Example sentences of "agree with " in BNC.

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1 I 've never entirely agreed with the policy of restricted entry , although one knows all the arguments why this has been necessary .
2 I reckoned that the Queen would probably have agreed with me — she 'd always come across as a decent sort .
3 An investigation by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission on the supply of beer appeared in 1989 and in the main agreed with CAMRA that a monopoly existed as a result of the complex vertical and horizontal grip of the nationals .
4 It should also be said that people of influence , who have n't put it in writing , also openly agreed with the placing of a bolt .
5 Psychiatrists see Thatchergate , the design of which has now been agreed with English Heritage , as evidence of the stress a decade in office has put on the occupant of No 10 .
6 He said he had been paid for the picture , but admitted that ‘ in order to entice bidders ’ he had agreed with Sotheby 's that payment would be spread over three instalments .
7 When considering whether a parent was unreasonably withholding consent to a child 's adoption , the test was not whether the court agreed with the parent 's reasons for withholding consent but whether a reasonable parent would withhold consent in the circumstances of the case .
8 He had already accepted the need for reunion of churches in South India and agreed with Archbishop Michael Ramsey 's view that risks should be taken for the sake of Gospel .
9 The minister also said a framework for securing the future of shared ownership schemes in rural areas , offering part-rent , part-purchase deals , had been agreed with the Housing Corporation .
10 On balance , newspaper readers agreed with academic analysts about the direction of bias .
11 The leader of the American Relief Administration agreed with A. Giduk , his Soviet counterpart , that 1,100 trucks should be unloaded temporarily into warehouses .
12 My dad certainly agreed with him .
13 However , both the president of the Board of Trade , Sir Stafford Cripps , and the Dominions Secretary , Lord Addison , thought that the fifth freedom clause went against policy as agreed with the Commonwealth .
14 I had agreed with the necessity of BAC and Hawker Siddeley being put together in one company , but having a nationalised company that involved a lot of civil servants and politicians was a ghastly inefficient way of doing things .
15 Lake District Planning Board chairman Robert Addison , agreed with the report and described the current state of the lake as ‘ appalling ’ .
16 Several others agreed with her .
17 The items are then bagged by the Scenes of Crime Officer , and a date is agreed with the Police for a statement to be taken .
18 Suitable products and the exact extent of their application should be agreed with the local authority 's building control officer before the rebuilding work is commenced .
19 Instead , the demonstrators marched along a route agreed with the authorities to the Olympic Stadium , across the north of the city .
20 A scheme to block the ploy has yet to be agreed with police representatives .
21 The letters show Professor Smith wanted the Government to increase the ceiling on foreign holdings in BAe to 30 per cent — to boost the value of the company — and that Lord Young knew then tax concessions still to be agreed with the Inland Revenue on the deal could amount to nearer £65 million than the £25 million suggested to the commission .
22 The next paragraph says that not only did Lord Young cut the published penalty clause for BAe from £650 million to £400 million as disclosed in the National Audit Office memorandum , but offered ‘ a private side-letter ’ waiving the penalty ‘ the text of which would be agreed with BAe in advance ’ .
23 The source said Mr Gorbachev ‘ was touched on the raw ’ by the criticism of his moves to make peace with the West , and offered to resign if the full Central Committee agreed with Mr Melnikov .
24 More than 80 per cent of 18 to 24-year-olds agreed with random breath testing and ID cards , as did more than half of the 15-17 age group .
25 But US support for Adoc was a mixed blessing , given the history of US intervention in Panama and the passionate determination of Panamanians to achieve soberania total — complete sovereignty — over the Panama Canal by 2000 , as agreed with the US in 1977 .
26 He maintained President Bush totally agreed with his own viewpoint on unification .
27 But Mr Tebbit told Mr Hurd : ‘ I regret having to say that I disagreed with almost everything he ( Mr Hurd ) said and agreed with almost everything the Right Hon gentleman said from the Opposition front bench . ’
28 Politicians agreed with that prognosis .
29 Superintendent Gordon Thompson of Staffordshire police said : ‘ Our prices are fixed by the council 's police committee and agreed with Port Vale . ’
30 John McLeish , seated at the other side of a table from Commander Stevenson , would have agreed with this judgement .
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