Example sentences of "itself at " in BNC.

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1 Its fragrance is real , and penetrating : but it does not release itself at the first casual opening of the pages .
2 There is plenty of opportunity for the general sense of ambiguity discussed above to manifest itself at the level of individual projects .
3 Gen Noreiga said last Friday that Panama considered itself at war with the US so long as American aggression against Panamanians continued .
4 GE scours the world for companies which are better than GE itself at some specific aspect of business and then asks to pick their brains .
5 Such self-disgust appeared to have physical causes or manifestations : a pattern that was to repeat itself at irregular intervals for the next twenty years .
6 Suddenly a dog flung itself at me snarling and growling and they all stopped what they were doing to look in my direction .
7 He had gagged for hours following the ordeal , convinced that one of the dog 's hairs had lodged itself at the very back of his throat where his fingers were unable to reach .
8 The simplest polygon is the equilateral triangle which echoes itself at 60° intervals .
9 THE National Art Collection Fund has every reason to be pleased with itself at having given £250,000 of the £10 million needed to acquire Lord Cholmondeley 's Holbein , Lady with a Pet Squirrel , for the National Gallery .
10 Instead it was a day for typical Yorkshire grit to show itself at its best .
11 The question presented itself at yesterday 's Foyle 's lunch in Mayfair , when the distinguished scientist Sir Rudolf Peierls took an early siesta during an interesting speech by Lord Zuckerman , whose new book we were celebrating , and who at that very moment looked down the top table and described Peierls , rightly , as ‘ one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists ever ’ .
12 South of Barrowgate Road there existed a few houses fronting Sutton Court Road ; some Almshouses on the southern side of Sutton Lane , with the fish pond behind them ; Sutton Court itself at the bottom end of Sutton Court Road , where Sutton Lane turned south — that part of Sutton Lane later became Fauconberg Road — with the Lawn Tennis Grounds on the southern side and Chiswick Park Farm occupying the whole area of land to the east of Sutton Court Road , and the continuing Sutton Lane — which later formed the southern part of Sutton Court Road — curving round to meet the bottom end of Burlington Lane , on the southern boundary of Chiswick House Gardens .
13 Leslie had clearly avoided this mishap , for the face that presented itself at the church to the sound of other bells was unblemished — only so very much older than that of the newly-commissioned boy of the Stirling studio photograph , taken but three years before .
14 Leading politicians in Britain , particularly in the mid-nineteenth century Liberal Party , scorned the imperial enterprise as no more than a way of offering the unemployable aristocracy a means to enrich itself at heavy cost to the innocent .
15 It was certainly significant to the next stage of Nicholson 's career , and indeed what was happening in Hollywood itself at a time of changing tastes which made it almost impossible to predict what next year 's cinema audience would go into raptures about .
16 Fonda examined the premise and eventually saw that they were making a much broader statement about the American Dream and the state of the nation itself at that precise moment in time .
17 When the neural tube closes ( Chapter 2 ) , a group of cells detaches itself at the site of fusion and migrates to many parts of the body and differentiates into a wide variety of cell types .
18 A twenty-five-foot wave flung itself at the canoe from an unexpected angle and before the crew could turn to absorb the blow , the Hokule'a rose up the face of the wave at forty-five degrees , and was capsized as it flew off the peak .
19 Mulvey combined this Freudian explanation of pleasure in looking with the theory of the mirror stage in the work of Jacques Lacan , in which the child 's first recognition of itself in the mirror is called a misrecognition , because what the child sees in the mirror is an idealised whole and rounded image at odds with the child 's diffuse bodily experience of itself at that stage in development — it can not yet control its movements , let alone its environment .
20 For managers , the issue manifests itself at a more procedural level , and is now revolving around resource management .
21 But when the Conservatives came to power in 1979 , local government found itself at the centre of a much wider conflict regarding the role of the state as a whole , and the position of local government began to be ‘ reappraised ’ .
22 During this period a regular wintering flock established itself at Chichester gravel pits , which reached a peak of 43 birds in December 1969 and accounted for about half the records for each winter .
23 At rest the cricket looks like a dead leaf , but it transforms itself at the last moment .
24 With the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist in Bosnia , Germany found itself at war with its trade competitors in the west , and at war with its nationalist rivals and its potential empire in the east .
25 In their hands love seemed a narrow-eyed , exclusive , selfish bastard , to enjoy itself at the expense of a woman who now lay in bed in Auntie Jean 's house , her life unconsidered .
26 Indirect Rule and the evolution of the Commonwealth idea had disarmed much left-wing criticism of the empire in the years between the wars and encouraged the development among British radicals of ‘ responsible ’ views on imperial subjects , which came naturally to bloom when Labour found itself at last in office .
27 The core grows massively dense and gravity causes it to collapse in on itself at 25 per cent the speed of light .
28 This bias was no doubt at least partially a reflection of the haphazard organization of policing in Britain itself at the beginning of the nineteenth century .
29 She is beyond time , and yet she is giving birth to time itself At the moment of birth , her baby is the very youngest member of the human race , its star of hope and its future .
30 The velvet — or baize , for the lesser mortal — was always used sparingly , tucked in behind itself at the angles of the coffin and the width of the plank at the top .
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