Example sentences of "describe [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Again , as I recorded in a fieldnote , this assistant chief exhibited aspects of what I could only then describe as ‘ institutional paranoia ’ , when he went on to deride an unnamed social scientist who had been allowed research facilities inside a police force ( unspecified ) .
2 The most startling yarn was that of Zhang Quo Zhi , who enjoyed a lifestyle which , if you did know better , you would describe as that of a successful capitalist .
3 There is n't any other place I would describe as home .
4 He then went on to say that he had had a complaint from the men in the next room , that I was using what he could only describe as ‘ a female sex aid device ’ for long periods at night and first thing in the morning .
5 For Lebanon was run by the zaim ( or , more accurately , zuama ) , the ‘ leaders ’ , the powerful feudal chieftains whom the Lebanese would describe as ‘ honoured families ’ but whom the average Westerner would quickly identify as mafiosi .
6 He developed what psychologists might describe as a reluctance to address members of his family by their given names or titles .
7 The only question that remains is whether , at the end of the day , the public has really had what professional educators would describe as ‘ a good learning experience ’ .
8 The Brodskys in striking contrast go for what I can only describe as an unconventional line-up to match the photo on the cover .
9 When I look back I realize just what a hard time Mother must have had because she did not enjoy what one might describe as robust health .
10 This ‘ withdrawal ’ — which can be explained as a collective , dignified attempt not to have any truck with the enterprise except on one 's own terms — which an outsider can describe as apathy or schizoid withdrawal — has far-reaching political consequences .
11 In simpler language , autogenous growth may be described as biological , that is the children of church members coming to Christian commitment or church allegiance , while allogenous growth we may describe as conversion from the world .
12 He looked at me , calmly threw his jacket into the car and then launched into what I can only describe as the most unbelievable martial arts display I have ever seen .
13 Sobbing , Pc Kelly said : ‘ The next thing I saw , he was standing holding a gun with both hands in what I can only describe as a combat position . ’
14 There were elements of what the Chinese call the ‘ green-eye disease ’ , and the ‘ moon being rounder ’ , what we would describe as the ‘ grass being greener ’ .
15 It would be highly unwise to attempt using them , and in consequence we have on our hands what I can only describe as an old-fashioned case of acute lobar pneumonia .
16 The research findings indicate that many authorities have a long way to go before their procedures come close to what one might reasonably describe as a partnership with parents .
17 Young fans , particularly those wearing what we shall describe as the standard ‘ Aggro Outfit ’ , are directed by the police and officials into the appropriate secure area of the ground as they enter .
18 Panic swept through respectable London in the winter of 1862 about what The Times ( 10 June 1863 ) would eventually describe as a ‘ new variety of crime ’ .
19 He also had in him the wrathful patriarch of the Protestant religion , for he was the product of the two warring faiths , of an Irish Catholic mother and an Irish Presbyterian father , and of the Sunday ritual my mother would repeatedly describe as if narrating the auspicious early life of a saint .
20 Their descriptions , in other words , seemed to follow a set pattern , which we would describe as a ‘ schema for describing one 's home ’ .
21 The interior of the villa one can only lamely describe as southern art nouveau ; there is a great deal of panelling , made out of exotic and in some cases aromatic woods , a great deal of marble , of gilt , and of inlaid flooring .
22 The research consists of different methodological phases , which we can describe as collection , classification , analysis and interpretation .
23 It is possible to some degree to distinguish between those implementation issues that arise essentially from the ‘ distance ’ between what we may describe as ‘ centre ’ and ‘ periphery ’ and those that are facets of other aspects of relationships within complex organizations .
24 A lot of people who I 'd just describe as having I du n no , people with real dignity and real sense of pride who manage to bring up their kids and and survive in a decent way , in quite a hostile environment .
25 You could describe as training .
26 Their ideas were based on what one might describe as ‘ school mathematics ’ — a set of facts and techniques — in which questions have one right answer and prescribed methods of solution .
27 Next there is a group of colleagues whom I shall describe as the ‘ patriots ’ , who through love of country and a proper belief in its democratic institutions do not accept that the time has come to deny our nationality .
28 ‘ And that from an Aussie ? ’ she was startled into answering , then went pink when he gave her a look of what she could only describe as approval .
29 erm it may be that erm because of my generation , but you do n't get the same sort of personalities nowadays as you did in those days , erm Mr for instance he was , he was a most benign sort of erm fellow of what one would describe as a real gentleman mm , mind you he used to have his paddies at times but
30 I am a self-contained person : neat and elegant : or was until I met Eleanor , who , disgraced , childless , alone , sprawled and wriggled against the shiny black sofa with the big red flowers , and I knew I would rather be her , her life out of control , than me as I was with Lou ; a woman whom an editor could describe as ‘ the mistress of controlled reportage ’ .
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