Example sentences of "probably [art] " in BNC.

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1 These facilities differ in all parts of the world , but in Britain the evening class is probably the most accessible form of training .
2 This is not simply to force people into speaking blank verse , but to see how a person responds to the essential humanity of a character — for Shakespeare , of all the classical writers , is probably the most human , whose work is blessed with both grandeur and the common touch .
3 Everything in this chapter may seem terribly grey and pessimistic , but the truth is that acting is probably the most optimistic of all professions — it is the nature of actors to hope .
4 That is probably the most important question the panel are asking themselves .
5 That and sight reading which is probably the most important thing of all .
6 As a leading writer put it , after casting doubts on the appropriateness of the philosopher 's imagery , just because his answer was probably the right one it was in effect no answer at all .
7 The poorest people in our society are left with the poorest facilities — and that 's probably the same wherever you go .
8 Probably the most effective way of dealing with an incipient spin in practice is to move forwards on the stick , apply the opposite rudder to check the yaw and then to use all the controls normally to bring the aircraft level .
9 Piaget 's The Child 's Construction of Reality ( 1955 ) is probably the best source of the constructivist thesis .
10 This was a foreign land , peopled not only by my superiors , for that applied to everyone I 'd ever known , from the hole in Mother woman through which I was expelled to the hole in the Mother earth by which I 'd be swallowed ; but by those who were superior to my early superiors ; probably the most superior peoples in the entire world .
11 It was all over in 60 minutes , thus confirming what everyone knew anyway — that Navratilova , at 34 , is still probably the best grass court player in the world .
12 This is probably the most untrue statement I have heard in some time .
13 Probably the hardest task to master during match play is concentration .
14 A third change , and probably the most physically demanding , is to introduce weights into the routine .
15 Probably the most outstanding demonstration of their strength was in the 100mph Colwich collision in 1986 when despite coaches — some of them Mark 2s but largely Mark 3s — being piled on top of each other , or spreadeagled across the track , not a single passenger was killed .
16 This is probably the most difficult material to handle because the many characters and nationalities involved in the various available libretti must express themselves as distinctively as they do in real life and the choreographer must try and ensure his design has some semblance of reality if it is to communicate meaning .
17 Chalk on the lay-off indicated this was probably the right line , though it looked tricky for HVS .
18 Below and just to the right of the balcony are several one pitch climbs : Delirium très mince ( 6a ) is probably the hardest .
19 Altitude sickness is probably the most common cause of failure to reach a summit .
20 Wood dye : if the colour of wood is to be changed , then probably the most dramatic effect is obtained when the bare wood is coloured with a penetrating wood dye .
21 Oil : is probably the easiest way of finishing wood .
22 Varnishes : are probably the most commonly used finishing materials .
23 Run Length Limitation ( RLL ) is probably the most common for bit image files , although the LZW algorithm is also in use .
24 Probably the main reason is the number of printers controlled by RS232 communications using 7 bits plus parity .
25 In this situation , bearing in mind that the very prevalent hydroxyl and hydronium ions are probably the dominant cause in the hazard risk at 50Hz or 60Hz , it can be presumed that a hazard free situation prevails at 100Hz or 120Hz .
26 Probably the greatest scientific panjandrum of the 19th century , Thomson had a long association with transoceanic cables .
27 ‘ . If we assume — and it is probably the right assumption — that students can no longer easily read isolated literary texts , but need to make sense of them in a variety of contexts , much power is given to the teacher who decides which are the relevant cultural codes to be invoked and expounded ; Marxists , at least , are specific on the matter .
28 And Hewlett is the one to start with , probably the best peg on which to hang a necessarily rash characterization of that literary world of late-Edwardian England which Fred Manning entered from Australia , and Pound from the United States .
29 All one can say with any certainty is that the Pounds ( and probably the Yeatses also ) paid at least two visits to Sicily in these years , and that on at least one occasion — probably on more than one — they stayed there for some weeks , if not months .
30 Other laboratories test particular products , but CRL is probably the only one which can cover the full range of equipment needed in the cold chain .
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