Example sentences of "towards more " in BNC.

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1 Labour also moved towards more concern for the consumer , towards an acceptance of the need for legal curbs on the power of the unions , and the party 's need to confirm itself as the defence of the law and order sought by working-class citizens .
2 Things have begun to swing towards more enforcement after a period in which , as you note , the Sherman and Clayton acts were forgotten and the authorities charged with enforcing them were starved of resources .
3 This pressure for higher dividends will , if it is sustained , push firms towards more borrowing ( to pay the dividend ) and less dependence on equities .
4 The health service members ( principally community mental handicap nurses and therapists ) were almost an exact mirror image — they concentrated on a casework approach — although there is some slight hint in Table 3 of a shift towards more service development activities over time .
5 The main virtue of the Donnison Report ( eventually published in 1970 ) lay in its cool and thorough analysis of the nature and pace of the movement towards more openness in secondary education .
6 By the beginning of the 1980s , there was a trend towards more centralization , and away from the sometimes rather anarchic experiments in local school democracy of the 1970s .
7 He should just remember that there was a God , and feel that there was , ‘ not dead and stifled but alive ’ , urging us towards more love , more life .
8 Although not all newspapers were affected to the same degree , the trend towards more ‘ sensation ’ and more ‘ sport ’ suggested that the ‘ reader was expected to be intellectually more passive … attracted less by the prospect of greater wisdom than by that of ‘ Elevated ’ status , and he was now appealed to in a shrill capitalised format ’ .
9 Nonetheless he feels ‘ the poor economic situation has really speeded up the move towards more openness .
10 Or do they do a public service by tilting government towards more openness and accountability ?
11 I relish the trend towards more analysis and context in news programmes .
12 The 1962 Hospital Plan aimed at a reduction in hospital beds for the mentally ill of roughly one half the total , together with a move towards more provision within general hospitals .
13 The direction of tertiary education since the mid-seventies , as the process of contraction has continued , has been towards more responsiveness , more accountability , reduced autonomy .
14 Next , they offered to pay the woman of the house for the milk , and she asked a shilling , at which some of the men goaded her towards more ; when she refused to raise her price , Boswell gave her a half-crown ( influenced , I feel , not so much by her honest generosity , but by her shapeliness which he described as ‘ comely almost as the figure of Sappho ’ ) .
15 We 're moving towards more ozone treatment for water .
16 Recommendations were that the New University of Ulster move towards more emphasis on mature students , distance learning and non-degree work ; that Ulster Polytechnic increase emphasis on vocational studies ; and that Queen 's University Belfast continue largely as before , though with more emphasis on broadly based and part-time courses , and , where possible , three-year degree courses ( instead of four year ) .
17 But opinion has been hardening towards more coherence on curriculum and qualifications , less separation between academic and vocational , something more like a British Bac .
18 If feelings of altruism and concern are not as widespread as some would like to think , then the push towards more equality is likely to be a weak one .
19 ( I detect a subtle shift towards more emphasis on individual 's ‘ choice ’ , including choice to leave . )
20 These problems , coupled with the Conservative government 's free market philosophy , led to a move back towards more market related official rates in the early 1980s .
21 This great expansion of trade and competition between the advanced capitalist countries outweighed the trend within each country or bloc towards more monopolization .
22 Much of the explanation for this lies in two interrelated trends : towards more white-collar jobs and towards more service jobs , both traditionally weakly organized .
23 On the one hand , there has been a redefinition and tightening of formal controls , but on the other , there has been a simultaneous and sometimes incompatible thrust towards more management autonomy .
24 they perhaps could 've gone towards more
25 And lastly , Delia , do you see the movement towards more and more computerization continuing in the future ?
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