Example sentences of "expect [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He expected William Temple to back Henson and was grieved to find that his hero was weak because he refused to stand up and fight .
2 She had hoped her life might be completely happy and perfect , and expected Vronsky to sacrifice his whole life to love her entirely .
3 The Franks were also worried about how ‘ tough ’ Carter appeared — before they toured with the duo they expected Jim Bob and Fruitbat to beat them up .
4 Frankly , I expected Philippa Lowthorpe 's film about love among the over-65s to come out like a cross between Esther Rantzen at her drippiest and Coronation Street at its dopiest .
5 He also expected support from Russia , but the tsar was too preoccupied with the affairs of Europe , where Napoleon was at the height of his powers , and Adam Czartoryski , the Russian foreign minister , advised negotiations with the Turks , rather than war .
6 Announcing the scheme Education Minister Michael Ancram said he expected savings up to £100 , a year as a result of the improvements .
7 She expected Lucy to head for their office : no one else was ever in before noon on the top floor .
8 Devoy hinted that she expected Jackman to be her successor , by adding : ‘ She can have it [ the title ] after me . ’
9 That evening she expected Edward to join them for dinner at the house .
10 Each evening when we tidied away our papers I expected Edward to invite me over to the Lodge for a drink or a meal , and the invitation was not extended .
11 Still , we were hopeful of the future of the still young department , when the decision was made to seek CNAA validation for the courses offered by the College , and we prepared to rewrite ours to take account of our experience , and to justify our intentions more fully than we had had to do before to critics from whom we expected scepticism rather than sympathy .
12 These companies expected Speywood to spend their £4 million investment on perfecting and marketing blood proteins from conventional technology — not funding new biotechnology projects .
13 Friends such as Edward Clodd , who expected Hardy to be relieved by her death in 1912 , found instead that he was overcome with remorse for neglecting one whom he had once loved so well .
14 Fact Two : Colonel Smith expected gun-runners .
15 ‘ We expected Uri to bend a few spoons but we did n't expect the viewers to bend the truth , ’ he said .
16 No doubt both men , as supporters of the Gothic Revival , expected Scott to adhere to his stated principles .
17 The article says : ’ Mr. Major disagreed with the delegation 's gloomy forecast of when the recovery in construction would begin , saying he expected industry to emerge from recession in the middle of next year . ’
18 He also told reporters he expected Syria , Jordan and Lebanon — the Arab countries talking peace with Israel in Washington — to sign other agreements with the Jewish state simultaneously within days .
19 The war now being effectively over , they expected Richard Baxter to return to them .
20 If she 'd expected signs of embarrassment or even an apology , it was obvious that she 'd miscalculated .
21 Well I expect William will have a drink , yes , and I expect you will too , what you doing ?
22 The meeting is open to the public but expect Taylor to give the banks a hard time .
23 Spurs , unbeaten in six games , expect striker Gordon Durie to play with stitches in the head wound he sustained on international duty with Scotland .
24 DEC and Microsoft said that they expect NT-on-Alpha , which they are jointly engineering , to be a high-volume , multi-sourced platform for users , software developers , systems designers and chip manufacturers — exactly the same thing ACE was supposed to be .
25 Well I do n't , I , I expect Bren Eh ?
26 Brian and Deborah Curley had expected champagne and flowers when they arrived at the four star hotel on the island of Tenerife after a perfect wedding .
27 With her enchanting grin , which had , sadly , not been much in evidence of late , she added , ‘ I expect Sheila from down the road had been in with her ‘ Mr Sheen ’ … ’
28 Greece and Spain expect emissions to rise by at least 25 per cent and Portugal is expecting rise of between 29-39 per cent , depending on economic growth .
29 And City experts expect Germany 's Bundesbank to cut its interest rates early in the New Year .
30 Many observers had expected Rafeeuddin Ahmed , the UN Under-Secretary-General responsible for Cambodia since 1982 , to take charge of the operation .
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