Example sentences of "let [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I had let them down and was no longer worthy of their friendship .
2 They felt that he had let them down in front of others .
3 Perhaps the shock is severe enough to catapult the person into feeling all the pain and extremity of loss that their defences might not have let them do if they had had more time to get organized .
4 Perverse conditioned psychological needs require some of our best thinking to solve — but then we should n't have let them become habits in the first place .
5 Because once you have let them go you ca n't begin to get them back for another five years . ’
6 Biddy had never let them down , come without fail all through the bad weather , and now was giving Nails an intensive course on her own horse which — in terms of money — was worth another couple of hundred pounds .
7 By the time you had let them out you would have domesticated deer who are no longer likely to be able to fend for and defend themselves as they previously did .
8 The Christian life should be one of joy and peace , they feel , so either they have failed God or he has let them down — though they feel guilty for thinking so .
9 They do n't want the experts to come in and advise because it is the experts that have let them down . ’
10 People throughout Europe and America began to complain against their new god who seemed to have let them down .
11 Hayling had let them know that the move would complicate his personal life .
12 To the community at Canterbury he was a saintly but somewhat ineffective archbishop , who had let them down in the matter of the primacy of their church .
13 Then I 'll call a district meeting where I 'll get other branches together erm shop stewards and that , and I 'll pass this information , I 've let them know there 's such a thing as .
14 I 've let them know it 's , it 's going ahead erm and that the vote is coming off .
15 Eventually Phil 's dad had let them borrow his garage .
16 ‘ Two men … someone must have let them in the front door … they took Jacqui … ’
17 When Picasso painted the Demoiselles d'Avignon , those of his friends who were allowed to see it seem to have felt that in some way he had let them down .
18 The young man who had let them in introduced himself as Malengin Fole .
19 But while Wainfleet 's apology had been specious and he really did not see what all the fuss was about , he was not quite as carefree as he had let them think .
20 Athelstan sensed that , if he had known who they were before he answered the door , he would never have let them inside , or else would have taken measures to hide whatever he had in the house .
21 He was mightily pissed off with me ; perhaps he wished he had just let them shoot me on the ground .
22 Much as they admired him and loved him , he seemed to have let them down .
23 And Freud and a lot of other German speaking people , thought that he had let them down , because he did n't have the political goodness .
24 Of course , Matey was not best pleased that she had taken so long to come home — or so McAllister thought when the older woman came towards them after Dr Neil had let them both in .
25 KATE was left sitting alone once more as Ace stormed off , but she hardly noticed he 'd gone because all she could think about was how the fuel blend had let them down .
26 Perhaps I should have let them go .
27 The seriousness of the revolt was evidenced by the fact that Soapy Simon , an arch-appeaser who wanted above everything to be liked , had become their spokesman and had let them cram into his room and sit it out ( with a break for dinner at the Savoy , of course ) until the PM gave his answer .
28 That does n't mean to say that you 'd have let them necessarily get away with it on the spot but you you 're still going to do a persuasive tact but in the end if they say no fine .
29 She had let them down , medical science had let them down .
30 She had let them down , medical science had let them down .
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