Example sentences of "himself the " in BNC.

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1 He laughingly nicknames himself the ‘ potato king of the world ’ .
2 Sergeant Bramble allowed himself the luxury of a fleeting smile .
3 Here he was able to stand back from the onrush of western man and ask himself the real questions of life and meaning ; get his young life , full and successful as it had been , into perspective .
4 Tonight he had been immersed in scenes of Mafia violence and found himself the next moment slumped in the Chesterfield staring at silver snow on the screen .
5 In retirement he had set himself the task of making a replica Tomkin long-case clock .
6 In ancient Greek myth Harlequin made his first appearance as Hermes ( or Mercury ) , the messenger of the gods and himself the god of all animals and travellers .
7 Partnered by Martin Veale and the Famous Chris Ellis , he crowned himself the King o'Crookrise at E36a , attempting to usurp Chris 's crown , up the arete left of the Cioch LeftHand .
8 Tallis sets himself the task of showing that much of the structuralist and poststructuralist enterprise is based on a misreading of Saussure .
9 Yesterday , not content with turning England into a winning team and making the highest Test score of the modern era , he threw himself the ball — and removed the dangerous Sanjay Manjrekar with his third delivery .
10 When he arrived in America , Weill did not automatically expect New York ears to take to the music of the Berlin avant-garde in which he had played so prominent a part : instead he set himself the task of learning to write music with an American accent .
11 This afternoon , Kevin Tamati , last seen demonstrating an ability to talk fellow television commentators into submission , finds himself the object of Granada 's broadcast as his new charges look for first points from Leigh .
12 With representatives arriving in Blackpool for today 's opening session of the most critical of Conservative conferences for many years , the former Cabinet minister finds himself the focal point for public and party disaffection with Mrs Thatcher .
13 ‘ For those who think that this is window dressing , I pause to remind you that not so long ago the Lord Chancellor was himself the subject of judicial review proceedings , ’ he added .
14 It talks of God ‘ taking upon Himself the suffering of the world ’ , of God being ‘ involved ’ or ‘ in ’ our suffering .
15 For when God freely wills to take on Himself the world 's suffering , He does so in order to absorb it , to transform it and to overcome it by the positive power of His eternal and unchanging love .
16 Taff continued talking in his very strong Welsh accent as he inspected the Bren , asking questions and giving himself the answers before I could get a word in .
17 Himself the son of a South Wales miner , Kinnock compared Scargill with a world war general who wanted ‘ another Gallipoli ’ .
18 Could we not have all guessed that Lt Col Custer ( he gave himself the rank of general ) came 34th out of the class of 34 at West Point .
19 When there were not games he disappeared into the library and found himself the only person in the building .
20 I mean he has to take it seriously and occupy himself the effluvium which rises from it .
21 By adopting the Waste Land theme , Eliot made himself the performer of the latest enactment of a repeated rite , just as in his poem clerk and typist ( like the earlier Burbank and Volupine ) enact their own sexual ritual .
22 The homosexual ‘ knows intimately in himself the generality that he finds in the other ’ : ‘ in the homosexual act I remain locked within my body , narcissistically contemplating in the other an excitement that is the mirror of my own ’ ( pp. 307 , 310 ) .
23 It is ironic that by privileging sexual difference Scruton shows himself the victim of precisely the modern intensification of sexuality which in other ways he might regard as contributing to a legitimation of the perversions he repudiates .
24 In his last year at Devonport High School in Plymouth he set himself the aim of finding a job which would earn him £5 a week , because up to that time , his father , a Westcountryman , had never achieved such a princely sum .
25 In this way , because the despot has taken onto himself the attributes of the community , work — which was in fact done for him — appeared as work by him , and he appeared as the creator of wealth for the community .
26 Whenever he was out he set himself the task ‘ to study how and why until I discovered how I should have played the ball that beat me ’ .
27 He became one of the first football commentators on radio , copying the urgent , excitable American style of the ‘ gee-whizzers ’ , earning himself the nickname of ‘ By Jove ’ Allison on the way .
28 Warnie was a natural historian , and he set himself the task of putting all these documents into chronological order .
29 In April the Prince went off to the Kalahari Desert for a few days with Sir Laurens Van der Post , to see for himself the society that his friend had written and talked about so much .
30 He has set himself the task of trying to discuss the agenda Labour needs to develop over the next two decades on issues such as training , education and poverty .
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