Example sentences of "stand like " in BNC.

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1 Beckley stands like a beautiful beached ship on the ancient fen of Otmoor .
2 Looking eastward , the tall column to the memory of Captain Cook , a local lad , stands like a lighthouse on the purplish blue heights of Easby Moor .
3 It stands like a phallic exhortation to the newly-weds living around it , but was a hive of industry once , dating possibly from the seventeenth century .
4 The man stands like a kouros , left foot forward , but differs from one not only in the calf and the arms raised to hold it , but in having a beard and a cloak .
5 A flat , oblong mound fifteen feet high , about thirty feet wide and forty feet long , it stands like some horrible pimple outside Paris on the road to Saint Denis .
6 He has multiplied his numbers to plague proportions , caused the extinction of 500 species of animals , ransacked the planet for fuels and now stands like a brutish infant , gloating over this meteoric rise to ascendancy , on the brink of a war to end all wars and of effectively destroying this oasis of life in the solar system .
7 Today , manual remuage is still widely used , but it is carried out on specially designed wooden boards , hinged together to stand like an inverted ‘ V ’ and known as pupitres ( the French for reading desks ) .
8 ‘ You should be able to stand like that for a week before the nerve implants get tired .
9 The grooms had taken away our horses and I did not wish to stand like a servant on the freezing forecourt of the tower .
10 She had no choice but to stand like a gazelle frozen by the cruel gaze of the lion .
11 It was indecent , surely , to stand like this , in public , and feel so alive and so excited ?
12 In Britain , by contrast , ‘ the family , the church , the universities , certain associations of intellectuals , and above all the great professions , stand like rocks against which the waves raised by these forces beat in vain . ’
13 We stand like cattle in the sun for a quarter of an hour while the sergeant clears me on his radio .
14 The haul up the corrie takes you to the first peak , Tom na Gruagaich , from where you must drop down and follow the ridge to the summit of Beinn Alligin , and although that 's where we packed it in , the walk could continue along a stunning ridge to cross the famous horns of Alligin , two pointy crags that stand like gateposts over a terrifying gully .
15 And you stand like a prisoner
16 It 's just as hectic in the 400-square mile colony outside , with six million people scurrying among glass and concrete skyscrapers that stand like giant guards above the bay .
17 and if you stand like that and state
18 The family , the church , and the universities , certain associations of intellectuals , and above all the great professions , stand like rocks against which the waves raised by these forces beat in vain .
19 In the day them seem small and far away But at night they crowd closer And stand like frowning giants .
20 The gigantically helmeted head of some biblical hero would stick out through the roof and stand like an Easter Island monolith among the chimneys and machine-gun emplacements , jewelled eyes blazing with golem life .
21 And the foreman er we used to play about , lark about , throw orange peel at each other you know , cos it were a boring job you just stand like this and you could more or less close your eyes , you know .
22 We stand like three old trees in winter , quivering in the gloom .
23 and hold the furniture in heavy seas — while I stand like a chestnut tree
24 Eddie used to shoot a lot of duck and could stand like a stone .
25 And Maisie would stand like some artist 's model , exhibiting her diseases as if they were her only claim on him .
26 Well do n't stand like a lump of dozy puddin' — take some sticks and tinder and get started .
27 And all Sean Walsh can do is stand like a stuffed dummy in that hospital and talk about me ! ’
28 A film editor friend has just come back from a couple of weeks of yoga , a music producer I know goes to St James , Piccadilly , where they have spiritual talks on a Monday evening , while a designer friend does Chi-Kung , a Chinese movement like Tai-Chi , where you have to ‘ stand like a tree ’ .
29 ‘ Burns , do n't stand like that ! ’
30 He thought for a moment that it might be some kind of game , that their running would cease as suddenly as it had begun , that they 'd stand like statues on the sand , waiting for him to catch up with them .
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