Example sentences of "meet a " in BNC.

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1 At university I chanced to meet a detective sergeant who had been in the Durham drug squad outside the Sociology building in New Elvet , Durham city .
2 He sighed tiredly , as though he had been working for a full day with stone and timber , and tried to listen to James Menzies , who was well away , drinking whisky with Allan and simmering with the news from the west , where the lists had been torn down from the church doors at Fortingall and Kenmore , and from Blair Atholl : the Duke 's factor had had to meet a crowd of more than a thousand and the Duke had signed a paper swearing not to impose the Act .
3 Against the broad yellow light Cameron and Menzies could see the officer in silhouette , walking his horse forwards to meet a crowd in the road where it levelled out after the sharp rise from the bridge across to Grandtully .
4 Where possible I allowed the cutter to go through to meet a similar cut .
5 We will attempt to meet a substantial part of our energy needs from benign , renewable sources of energy . ’
6 Home shopping held its profits at £13m which could well reflect the use of provisions raised on the Freemans acquisition to meet a net 10 per cent staff reduction .
7 This is because the primary aim of most hostels is to meet a housing need . ’
8 CONCERN is growing that a number of stockbrokers will be unable to meet a January deadline for VAT changes which are expected to reduce the cost of share dealing .
9 Page 29 Broking concern : Concern is growing that a number of stockbrokers will be unable to meet a January deadline for VAT changes which are expected to reduce the cost of share dealing .
10 Mr Baker proposed a meeting with Israel 's Foreign Minister , Moshe Arens , and his Egyptian counterpart , Esmat Abdel-Maguid , after Israeli leaders last Friday rejected Egypt 's invitation to meet a Palestinian delegation in Cairo .
11 I could just ask him casual like — you know , like I 'm going to meet a friend there or summat , but I ca n't remember the address .
12 Fleck should be back soon to sharpen that attack , but for today Stringer names an unchanged squad of 13 to meet a side which has Sutton back in goal after five games ' absence at the expense of Crossley .
13 We could have used more than a couple of training sessions , though , to prepare to meet a team of the All Blacks ’ calibre . ’
14 But there is a widespread belief that the travelling public will be forced to meet a substantial share of the new safety costs through higher fares , because of the Government 's policy of reducing taxpayers ' support for the railways .
15 In Sapinta , three miles south of the Russian border , a chambermaid begs for a packet of ground coffee to meet a doctor 's bill ; when the doctor arrives , he complains wearily that there is no anaesthetic in the hospitals .
16 Rather we go with a gospel of love which invites others to meet a Lord who is merciful , compassionate , and whose yoke is easy .
17 What sheer bad luck to meet a literary policeman when he was trying to do something nefarious but necessary .
18 A letter to the Reich Propaganda Ministry from a former employee currently in a military hospital , dealing with the mood among soldiers , stated that he had yet to meet a single one who accepted the Führer 's figures .
19 In the lobby of that hotel , on the following evening , I was to meet a Mrs Knelle , the friend of an English friend , and she was going to put me up at her house in the country .
20 It was a relief to meet a genuine writer , a woman whose face was etched with a record of suffering and sensibility .
21 It was not a ‘ true ’ style because it had not developed within an era to meet a genuine need ; it was merely copying the dead and it ‘ degrades architecture from its high position of a quasi-natural production to that of a mere imitative art ’ , a criticism often levied by professional architects against the wishes of the man in the street .
22 The changes are associated with a £2.4m overdraft Young has agreed with its banks to meet a financial crisis which has put it in breach of the covenants on £5.4m worth of convertible preference shares issued four months ago .
23 On each of the three occasions this century where there has been a clear coalition government — May 1915 to November 1922 , August 1931 to September 1932 , and May 1940 to May 1945 — it has been to meet a national emergency .
24 Perhaps even more surprising is to meet a Syrian taxi driver in Damascus describing what he heard the other day on Israel Radio .
25 The club failed to meet a Thursday midnight deadline set by the High Court for payment of £22.8 million to Cabra for the purchase of Stamford Bridge .
26 He said the US authorities were paying a substantial part of the costs incurred by the wives in preparing their legal challenge , but no provision had been made to meet a costs order in favour of Cherwell council .
27 TRIPOS offers scientific software for most personal computers to meet a wide range of research needs .
28 He introduced himself to all the furniture , saying how nice it was to meet a particular table , or how nice the covering was on a chair .
29 In Nice Modigliani was delighted to meet a man he had recently painted , the Russian-born Cubist painter , Leopold Sturzvage ( known usually as Survage ) .
30 And there , for the time being , let us leave Vic Wilcox , while we travel back an hour or two in time , a few miles in space , to meet a very different character .
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