Example sentences of "whether [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In these circumstances I think it clear , given the diversity of immunities and of the policies underlying them , that it is not enough to ask simply whether Parliament can have intended to abolish a long-standing right of silence .
2 The question before me today is whether Parliament , in using similar language in section 265 , intended those words to bear the same meaning as those given to them by the House of Lords under the Act of 1914 .
3 Section 39 is not itself a legislative provision , so the issue is whether Parliament intended by the legislation conferring such powers on the Bank of England that a section 39 notice should revoke or vary an injunction , or permit a party subject to the injunction to act in apparent breach thereof without attracting the sanctions of contempt of court .
4 The first issue before us , as it was before Thorpe J. , was whether Parliament had , by section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 , conferred on a minor over the age of 16 years an absolute right to refuse medical treatment , in which case the limitation of the court 's inherent jurisdiction exemplified by A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 would have operated so as to preclude any intervention by the court .
5 Nevertheless , the facts of the case may be such as to raise serious doubts whether Parliament intended its words to apply .
6 Surely the question whether Parliament could have passed the particular legislation is logically irrelevant to the question whether the legislation is for the public safety and defence of the realm .
7 Lord Justice Watkins criticised the legislation and doubted whether Parliament had intended it to apply to the housing of immigrants .
8 Although any " alternative doctrine must be highly speculative " , the influential Halsbury 's Laws of England goes on to recognise that : " for many constitutional theorists the question of whether parliamentary sovereignty presupposes that Parliament must always remain sovereign and can not be bound by the legislation of its predecessors , or whether Parliament 's sovereignty entitles it to restrict its power to legislate , or deprive itself of the power to legislate , remains open . "
9 But by then he had already come to doubt whether Parliament shared the commitment he felt , with Harrison , to the kingdom of Christ on earth .
10 It would depend upon the construction of the statute whether Parliament intended questions of law to be left to an inferior court .
11 Another question is whether Parliament should give its approval first before a public inquiry is held or whether Parliament should have a say after the inquiry .
12 Another question is whether Parliament should give its approval first before a public inquiry is held or whether Parliament should have a say after the inquiry .
13 There are differences of detail , of course ; for example , he seems undecided about whether teaching should follow the order of discovery , or of proof .
14 The state of the art in the study of professionals in schools is still represented by the work of Hoyle ( 1975 ) who suggested the notion of professionality as a way forward from the sterile debates of whether teaching is a profession in the ‘ checklist of characteristics ’ manner .
15 Some are interested in becoming teachers , and use the scheme to help them decide whether teaching is right for them .
16 ‘ Withdrawal of goodwill ’ caused many people ( myself included ) to question whether teaching could ever be viewed as a ‘ profession ’ when the ethics which are central to teaching ( responsible and thoughtful care for the young ) could be so readily ignored by so many teachers .
17 Questions are often raised in this respect as to whether disinfection should be carried out at the end of a day , after work or the following morning before work .
18 Walls built to support terraces , used as boundaries , forming part of a flight of steps , containing raised beds and so on , whether brick or stone , lend themselves to planting actually in their fabric .
19 It remains to be seen whether interaction occurs between DRP and glycoproteins in tissues other than muscle and whether such interaction is important to the function of DRP in these tissues .
20 No clue as to whether mule appreciated his weekly trip …
21 In other words these workers examined the usual question in reverse by asking not whether direction of eye gaze would reflect differential hemispheric , but whether forced direction of eye gaze would induce asymmetrical activation and hence determine choice of processing mode .
22 He wondered whether prayer would do any good .
23 This structural information includes measures of horizontal fragmentation ( eg number of trade unions involved in each bargaining group ) and also vertical fragmentation ( eg whether bargaining takes place wholly or in part at national , company , or plant level ) .
24 RECENTLY I have been dragged , most unwillingly , into a ludicrous debate about whether hi-fi systems sound better if the room , records and electronics have been treated with coloured inks to convert the adverse effects of the gravitational field of the Earth into beneficial effects .
25 The degree of sorting of a sediment is dependent on the size range of the supplied grains , the mode of deposition ( for example , whether wave reworking or current deposition ) , the current characteristics ( predominantly strength ) and the time involved in deposition .
26 Whether progress can be made by importing foreign devices is doubtful .
27 Whether video-on-demand can be classified in this way has yet to be established .
28 Whether part of a dining room suite or used on its own , Montezumas ' iron furniture makes a stunning feature .
29 The question was whether part of the floor area should be included and if so at what price .
30 This raises the question of whether exposure to higher oestradiol levels may contribute to more rapid development of disease in younger women .
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