Example sentences of "eye like " in BNC.

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1 Eyes like saucers at those frightful queens we both know and love .
2 He put his fists into his eyes like a child .
3 There were crescents under his eyes like bruises , and his jaw jutted out as though it were trying to overtake his nose .
4 I would write letters glowing with warmth and tenderness , poems as though to a damsel with a dulcimer , gentle cadences for gentle ladies with eyes like emerald .
5 Eyes like red poached eggs rolled in their hollows .
6 Have you not seen young girls with eyes like stars ? ’
7 Kukuli was Quechua for ‘ beautiful bird ’ and even in the dim light of the carriage I could see she had eyes like stars .
8 In the fire-comer stood a black-and-white goat , with knobby little horns and eyes like yellow glass , and on the hearth lay a very large cat , a multi-coloured , mazy-patterned brindled cat , that looked up at the little tailor with eyes like cold green jewels , with black slits for pupils .
9 In the fire-comer stood a black-and-white goat , with knobby little horns and eyes like yellow glass , and on the hearth lay a very large cat , a multi-coloured , mazy-patterned brindled cat , that looked up at the little tailor with eyes like cold green jewels , with black slits for pupils .
10 He had always thought that poets grossly overstated things when they talked of eyes like stars .
11 Ryan had his mask on , only pushed up above his eyes like flying goggles before take-off .
12 He must have eyes like a bloody owl . ’
13 ( The natural surfactant , being isotonic with body fluids , will not sting the eyes like soap foam . )
14 They danced before her eyes like golden stars .
15 Gertie , with blue gym dress and long black stockings , had hair and eyes like her mother .
16 Violet increasingly aware of prowling men — and , much more alarming , threatening — that she should move , only she could not move : the scowls of the whores , and some mean faces , eyes like flints , that she was poaching .
17 The little girl had intensely blue eyes like her own , and a covering of golden down on her head which set Sarah 's lips tingling when they brushed over it .
18 Now she knew who it was with eyes like Sarah Morey 's .
19 The boy who answered her knock was scrawny still , with dark hair and roguish eyes like Paddy 's , but his expression became cunning when he saw her neat dress and bulging bag .
20 The last member of the party sitting at Miss Jarman 's elbow — a quietly dressed individual with the face of Punch , but with eyes like wet grapes — glanced across the table .
21 ‘ I 've seen eyes like his in jails .
22 The sand took the glittery morning light and threw it back into his eyes like a mirror .
23 ‘ Rather too well , ’ said the new Minister for Sport , his eyes like chips of ice .
24 Her head was three times its normal size , one huge , crusty , black blister , her eyes like two slit tennis balls , and the lower half of her face seemed to have no features at all except enormous fat black lips that covered her nostrils and chin .
25 Its head is like a camel 's , its horns like a deer 's , its eyes like a hare 's , its ears like a bull 's , its neck like a snake 's , its belly like a clam 's , its scales like a carp 's , its claws like an eagle 's , and its paws like a tiger 's …
26 His shoulder-length jet-black hair falls dramatically and we see his face clearly for the first time — high-cheek-boned , eyes like slits of molten anthracite .
27 Looking back at her from the mirror , with eyes like saucers , was a small , olive-green frog .
28 face with a sheen of red , sparking his eyes like fire .
29 Small and delicate , fine-boned , pale brown skin , beige really , pale brown , wispy , very short hair , fey-faced , with a small , tip-tilted nose and golden eyes like a cat .
30 When it was over , he slipped the chosen bracelet on to her dimpled wrist , smiling into her eyes like a lover .
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