Example sentences of "eye [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He does n't move , then suddenly his head gives a small jerk forward and his eyes buck wide open , the way they always used to when he 'd make some incoherent claim to lineage to the gods .
2 That 's a carnal offence in the eyes o ’ the Church . ’
3 Above him , in the night , eyes t , winkled .
4 But there was no answer when she knocked on Louise 's door , nor when she tried another new friend 's door at the far end of the passage , and this was so discouraging that she went back to her own room and cried till her blue eyes wre red-rimmed and swollen .
5 total and irrecoverable loss of sight of one or both eyes £1,000
6 Unix Solutions eyes Germany as potentially the biggest European market for initial sales of its clones .
7 Pond life : a tiny goldcrest watches from an overhanging tree as a tufted duck , with its unmistakeable headdress and piercing yellow eyes cruises past
9 ‘ You know Doyle and his holiday snaps , ’ said the Woman , her eyes grave .
10 Mum to make the eyes mum we could have sultanas .
11 Lilith spoke gently , her eyes kind .
12 ‘ I hear you 're leaving us , Merrill , ’ he said , his eyes kind behind the heavy horn-rims .
13 He does not ‘ look ’ at the ball with both eyes level .
14 Graveney insists that Hick should go back to basics , and remain in that classic position he is in at the start of the bowler 's run-up — to stand sideways-on , bat on the ground , knees slightly bent , feet about shoulder width apart , and head up and still with both eyes level .
15 He had stuck his hands in his trouser pockets and was looking straight ahead , his eyes level .
16 which one was , oh goggle eyes Patrick , yeah where , where 's he now ?
17 For an instant she wallowed in fantasy land and imagined that when she opened her eyes Fernando would be towering over her and not Steve .
18 After a tour of operations with the famous John Cats Eyes Cunningham , the Author went on to fly with the Fighter Interception Unit and was the Author of our Operational Flying Club series in the April , May and June 1992 issues .
19 Route 66 in Darlington is arranging a Stars in Their Eyes Talent Night .
20 He always wore a plain white shirt with the sleeves rolled back off his splendid forearms , and he had eyes dark enough to look truly black in the lighting of The Bar .
21 But their colouring was identical ; white skin , black hair , eyes dark enough to look black beneath our artificial stars .
22 His long black hair was tied into its ponytail with a velvet ribbon , his skin was parchment pale , and his eyes dark .
23 His face was fleshy , the dark hair receding from a high speckled forehead , the long upper lip as precisely curved as an arrowhead , and the full , heavily lidded eyes dark and very bright , giving his face a look of sardonic , humorous intelligence .
24 Michael was fuming , his blue eyes dark with anger .
25 On others in close-up , her long pony tail swinging , laughing and shouting , eyes dark and glittering .
26 As they went into the hotel lobby , he noticed that her make-up was a mask , crimson lips and fake tan and eyes dark as a domino .
27 His brown eyes dark with anger , he stared the old man out .
28 ‘ My lord ? ’ she said , looking up at him , her eyes dark like the night , her voice warm , welcoming .
29 A dark brown gull , with back of neck , tail and belly white ; bill greenish-yellow , with black and red tip ; legs olive-green ; eyes dark .
30 ‘ Think again , ’ she said jauntily , her eyes dark with warning .
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