Example sentences of "thank [art] " in BNC.

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1 He did not know of one who had anything to thank the Flemyngs for , or old Menzies at the Castle .
2 I would like to thank the following for valuable comments on a part or the whole of an earlier draft : S. Day , A. Gell , El Gellner , P. Loizos , J. Parry , A. Papataxiarchis , and S. Roberts .
3 Photographed in and around Charingworth Manor , nearing Chipping Campden in Gloucestershire ; Country Living would like to thank the hotel for their help in compiling this feature .
4 I would also like to thank the staff of the British Library , Great Russell Street .
5 A letter to a Front soldier from a citizen of Görlitz in late June or early July 1940 undoubtedly spoke for many in stating that , following the ‘ unimaginably great ’ events which had been seen each week in the newsreels , ‘ we will never be able to thank the Führer and brave army enough for sparing us at home the horrors of war ’ , and that an ‘ immensely great ’ future awaited Germany ‘ in the construction of Europe after the final victory ’ .
6 I would also like to thank the Nature Conservancy Council 's Upland Vegetation Survey and Andrew Currie for allowing me to quote from their unpublished reports .
7 I would like to thank the Curwen Archives Trust whose generous grant has made this publication possible .
8 As The Economist put it : ‘ Mrs Thatcher has much to thank the capital for ’ .
9 I would like to thank the Arkleton Trust for making this study possible by awarding me a Fellowship and the Nature Conservancy Council for agreeing to three months study leave .
10 But as she turned to thank the coachman he caught sight of her profile : that of a woman unknown to him , about twenty-five years of age , pretty in a conventional way , with mousy-brown hair .
11 And scientists interested in Antarctic research have reason to thank the Argentinians — the need to maintain a presence in those cold southern waters , and one that is not too openly military , has coaxed the government into setting aside more money for the British Antarctic Survey .
12 In general , we have to thank the Orient for the early breeds and North America for the late ones .
13 Selkirk promised to leave his customary token force and Corbett , grateful for Selkirk 's intervention and assistance on the French galley , began to thank the rather taciturn Scottish knight .
14 And there were others , like Kalchu and Sigarup , who 'd come instead to thank the gods for the life they 'd spared .
15 He turned to thank the driver , but the taxi had gone .
16 I wish to thank the Endsleigh Community for hosting our meetings in Hull .
17 I will never be able to thank the people who took us to Lourdes enough .
18 Guitarist would like to thank The Guitar Factory in Mill Row , Bexley , Kent for the loan of the guitar , and also John Diggins of Jay Dee Guitars for his invaluable help with this article .
19 Hill said : ‘ This is the opportunity I have worked for and I would like to thank the team for putting their faith in me .
20 I 'd like to thank the club , the PFA , my wife and kid for their help .
21 On behalf of the Martin Residential Trust , I would like to thank the members of the public who contributed so generously during our recent flag days .
22 The Belfast Committee of Action Research would like to thank the people of Belfast for their generous support on their Annual Flag Day in Belfast on Tuesday 2 October 1991 .
23 We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who have written to us .
24 The spokesmen were asked to thank the men , but to tell them that a shutdown which destroyed the grid would be too disastrous for the country .
25 I would like to thank the priests and people of the parish , also the Youth SVP and my friends Bernie , Alison , Susie , Emma and Sarah who helped with the collection for all their help , support encouragement and generosity .
26 THE KNIGHTS of St Columba would like to thank the priests of St Chad 's Deanery for the support to our Charity Quiz night on November 6 , at Our Lady 's Social Centre , Stockport , writes ANTHONY MOORES .
27 ‘ And a huge contribution to the convent building fund for the new chapel to thank the nuns for doing the needful . ’
28 A few days later Mr Baker was hosting a dinner to thank the members of the Kingman Committee for their work .
29 I should like to take this opportunity to thank the vast majority of our shareholders who have clearly recognized Palatine 's potential and have remained unimpressed by the attempted takeover .
30 ‘ I am grateful for the support given to me by the London Fire Brigade and I would also like to thank the Fire Brigades Union . ’
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