Example sentences of "twenty people " in BNC.

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1 He had an audience : perhaps twenty people had gathered round the site , idly expectant , smoking and calling out .
2 Time was initially divided between two sections within the station in order to broaden the range of contacts , and visits were made to other stations , but , as the time devoted to data collection lengthened and data collection itself became more intensive , the focus narrowed to one section : roughly about twenty people .
3 He was eventually put in charge of the twenty people comprising the explosives technical services department and got his first taste of real management .
4 I have — — had — four partners , and we have another twenty people working for us . ’
5 ‘ At a time when political parties could n't get twenty people in a room , we had to hold overflow meetings everywhere we went , ’ recalls Priestley , ‘ I do n't think we were ineffectual .
6 TWENTY people were shot and hacked to death in a Johannesburg township in the worst incident of violence in South Africa since August 1990 , and 10 others were killed in settlements elsewhere in the city , writes Fred Bridgland in Johannesburg .
7 Finally , to make the most of this tour , groups will never be larger than twenty people , or smaller than twelve people .
8 The most frequently quoted prevalence rate for all types of mental handicap is around 20 per 1000 , ie for every 1000 people in the country , there are twenty people who are mentally handicapped .
9 The bus held about twenty people , but it carried all manner of other things .
10 I was dismayed when I woke up to the fact that the plan was not to wait or extend the building but to send twenty people and their children away to start another church .
11 The first tier of life is the cell , or housegroup of eight to twenty people , and these are constantly multiplied .
12 One leader took between fifteen and twenty people , hired a hall , broke the link with the Cobham Fellowship and began to establish a church which has grown to some sixty members .
13 If you invite only three or four , the conversation may become general , and you are likely to be left out , so be bold : invite twenty people , then you can move around , making contact with individuals as you ply them with food and drink , or sit with one person for a short chat before moving on to another .
14 Twenty people have died on the treacherous glacier which we have to scramble up and down transporting supplies from the base camp to higher camps on the path to the summit .
15 But with , say , twelve to twenty people , a highly interesting combination can be selected and by a little judicious manoeuvring the different elements set to interact .
16 Twenty people were reported killed after leaping from windows in the buildings .
17 Before long , the entire National Socialist League consisted of about twenty people .
18 In place of the 12,000 who had packed Olympia to hear Mosley , a dozen or twenty people almost equal in number to the entire strength of the National Socialist League — gathered at street corners to heckle and jeer the embittered oratory of William Joyce in his Adolf Hitler mackintosh .
19 Twenty people were found to have been primarily using opioids other than heroin ( either methadone or dihydrocodeine ) .
20 People laughing and cheering and waving flags , riding on any available vehicle , twenty people draped over a taxi , bus bonnets crowded with people and thousands of happy pedestrians — every window open and crowded out with waving enthusiasts — and I saw no tears , no inkling of what was to come all over again .
21 The increased numbers of people were housed by splitting up existing houses so that even modest cottages had sometimes up to twenty people living in them .
22 There 'll be twenty people at least who could swear he was working at the time .
23 big or small depending on whether it 's between two people or twenty people .
24 The Acts also provide for a quota scheme , which makes it compulsory for every employer of more than twenty people to take on a quota of at least 3 per cent registered disabled , although few firms adhere to this scheme and monitoring is poor .
25 Share it out between twenty people .
26 I mean to me the boss of of our bench , there was probably twenty people on the bench , to me the boss of that it was n't what you call a particularly good job but she 'd always worked at the and of course when when went on War work er th those that were still there they got the better jobs you see , to organize us that had n't been , worked there before .
27 You know if if you had twenty people using your book .
28 Then at the end of the quarter you were getting dividend for twenty people .
29 In the services , it is estimated that for every front-line soldier there are twenty people in support .
30 This qualifies a noun : twenty people , my sister , what colour ? a stone wall , etc .
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