Example sentences of "twenty year " in BNC.

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1 Women , Art and Society is a synthesis of work that has been progressing for twenty years about women and the visual arts .
2 For the next twenty years , Rothko 's work consisted of reanimating this pattern with the substance of his emotional life .
3 The second sentence of the issue of May 1988 refers to the first twenty years of the state : ‘ Threatening to ‘ push the Jews into the sea ’ , the Arab world reformulated the Nazi theory of Lebensraum in Mediterranean terms : there was no room in the region for a Jewish homeland . ’
4 Interestingly , though , most of the audition selections are chosen from work of the last twenty years ; most young students will go for contemporary work .
5 Twenty years ago it was expected that if you trained you would surely be accepted into the membership of your trade union and be given the chance to compete for the roles that were suitable .
6 In the debates over the last twenty years there has been considerable interplay of theological and sociological reasoning , with social scientists also contributing to papers and discussions .
7 Twenty years ago lager accounted for less than 10 per cent of total beer sales .
8 Despite what brewers ' architects often allege , the life expectancy of such plastic window units is proving remarkably short — as little as five years for the fittings , and twenty years for the plastic itself , which is exhibiting distinct tendencies to warp and discolour with age .
9 Twenty years ago I would have liked to have been a cook elsewhere , ’ she admits .
10 ‘ They 're a good twenty years younger , and they 've only known them a year or two .
11 Nothing much had happened in my life since the publication of my Carlo Fontana book nearly twenty years earlier ( though even that , as only three hundred copies were sold , was hardly a riot ) .
12 I had lived at the same place in Hampstead for over twenty years and so , as a sitting tenant , my rent was pretty cheap .
13 For one thing , I was extremely lucky in that the winter during which I was homeless was apparently the mildest this country has had for twenty years ( though it was quite cold enough for me ) and that was by no means the only remarkable piece of good fortune that I had .
14 Jay 's car was twenty years old and useless for long journeys .
15 And now , nearly twenty years after it was well and truly over , she sometimes still reeled late at night with not understanding .
16 Twenty years later he could still recall the event : ‘ I can think about my loyal dog buried in the snow , ’ ( Death Of A Lady 's Man ) .
17 Amanda I 'm not twenty years old .
18 I have tested literally hundreds of children on conservation tasks over a period of twenty years and have confirmed ( to my own satisfaction at least ) that fundamentally — in terms of the central systems — one does not succeed in drawing their attention to non-salient features .
19 Most current procedures for recording the electrical activity of the brain , or producing radiographic images of the living human brain , or investigating the accuracy and timing of behaviour are dependent on computing capacity which was not available twenty years ago .
20 Unfortunately , though , we are not very much closer to a genuine explanation of amnesia in functional terms that we were twenty years ago .
21 Twenty years after the conversion experience in St James 's the book may yet materialise ( as , also , might a planned Gibbons exhibition — the first ) .
22 Designed as a low-cost replacement for the fleet of ‘ miniature ’ buffet cars , then twenty years old , these trolleys were ( and are ) pre-loaded , operating on board from behind a small fixed counter in an open saloon coach .
23 Twenty years previously this traffic had amounted to just two million tonnes per annum .
24 Francis Thomson , the man who for nearly twenty years has been promising to write a biography of Alan Blumlein is once again appealing for more material on Blumlein .
25 At all events , when the innovative literary theory derived from structuralism began to arrive about twenty years ago it found actual or potential fissures in the form of life and it sought to enlarge and penetrate them .
26 I have attempted to take a rapid view of developments in critical theory , or criticism with a theoretical consciousness , as they have appeared in British culture in the past twenty years .
27 The grammar schools once provided the necessary culture of learning , as well as specific instruction , for students from under privileged homes , as we see in Judith Grossman 's Her Own Terms , or Anthony Burgess 's autobiographical recollection of reading English at Manchester University in the late thirties ( some twenty years before I started teaching there myself ) .
28 Twenty years on , the phrases which she saw as indicating a deformation of values have become commonplace in the Thatcherite academy , where contemplation is regarded as idleness , rather than the other way round , and Leavis 's abominated ‘ technologico-Benthamism ’ is firmly in the saddle .
29 This seems to have been , at least in part , the motive behind a walking-tour which Pound took in 1911 , of which we learn in chapter 16 of his Guide to Kulchur , written twenty years later :
30 His espousal of Blast closed to him just those doors that were on the point of opening ; and twenty years later , when he desperately wanted such access to the power-wielding centres of society , he was condemned to the world of fantasy in which he thought he could influence United States policy by way of such unlikely intermediaries as Senators Borah and Bankhead , and Italian policy by way of Ubaldo degli Uberti .
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