Example sentences of "accord [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Hawke has embarked on a crusade to join the airlines in smashing the pilots ' claim , seeing it as a crucial challenge to the cornerstone of his government 's economic policy , the wages accord between government , employers and unions .
2 Under a 1985 accord between the United States and other steel-producing countries that lapsed on 30 September , EC firms are limited to 6.74 per cent of the US market .
3 It ordered the state authorities of Armenia and Azerbaijan to " enter into talks immediately to conclude an inter-republican treaty on restoring trust and accord between peoples , proceeding from the principles of equality of rights and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both republics " [ for February USSR Supreme Soviet debate on Transcaucasia see p. 37257 ] .
4 Speaking on the day of the ruling , David Lange , the New Zealand Prime Minister at the time of the bombing , described the 1986 accord as an agreement forced upon him by French threats from " the highest level " .
5 according towards the under revelation he talks about how these , these dumb idols and these pieces of gold have got nothing in them and that 'd be way in which the , the ones would be caught out , because of these gold or whatever have got nothing in them you see .
6 Christian MPs close to General Michel Aoun wanted to talk first about a Syrian withdrawal , in according with the general 's instructions .
7 Such an approach has the merits of appearing commonsensical , according with our own intimate experiences .
8 Here the government responds to market imperfections in proportions according with the extent of imperfection .
9 Well Lamarckism is named after er , Jean Baptiste Antoine de Monet , better known to us as Lamarck , and the , the prime notion of Lamarckism , according in Darwin , let's try and get that over there a bit more is evolution by will .
10 Both full- and part-time work is carefully organised according to the availability and skills of each volunteer .
11 According to King Hassan II and his government , the prison does not exist — or , even if it does , the people all love the King so much it would be unsafe to release the prisoners — they might be killed by the populace .
12 According to those at the vigil , the police only checked on the hose twice before the massacre occurred at 4am .
13 According to this American guide , ‘ Art criticism is a many-levelled activity that comprises the historical , the recreative , and the judicial .
14 According to this , art criticism has three indispensable elements .
15 Each must decide as he pleases , according to whether his temperament urges him to prefer the prolific , radiant , almost jovial abundance of Rubens ; the mild dignity and eurhythmic order of Raphael ; the paradisal — one might almost say the afternoon colour of Veronese ; the austere and strained severity of David ; or the dramatic and almost literary rhetoric of Lebrun .
16 The critic , too , according to Baudelaire has a right to be independent , and to work without a system ‘ which is a kind of damnation which forces one to a perpetual recantation ’ .
17 The critical promoter of the work of Seurat and his friends was Félix Fénéon , a subtle stylist who varied his methods according to the work he was describing ; he used expository language for Degas , but he dropped logical connection in language , even verbs when discussing Monet 's spontaneous art .
18 According to ancient tradition , craftsmen , among others , are born under his sign . ’
19 According to George Heard Hamilton , Rodin became ‘ a figure of international significance , the most admired , prolific , and influential sculptor since Bernini ’ .
20 According to this formalist approach art aspires to the condition of music , a phrase employed by Pater , but deriving from classical Greece .
21 According to this the picture must have been painted about 1588 , with which the style and the age of the sitter agree .
22 According to 18th century principles the painting is ‘ sublime ’ in the roughness and irregularity of the tree , as well as ‘ beautiful ’ in the smoothness of the water .
23 A diagram of the art world , according to Wolfe , would be made up , in addition to the artists , of ‘ about 750 culturati in Rome , 500 in Milan , 1,750 in Paris , 1,250 in London , 2,000 in Berlin , Munich , and Düsseldorf , 3,000 in New York , and perhaps 1,000 scattered about the rest of the world .
24 For example , the cultural theory of the 1970s , according to an article by Victor Burgin on The End of Art Theory , drew predominantly on feminism , Marxism , psychoanalysis and semiotics .
25 In Argentina , according to Naipaul 's journalism , such an act belongs to the fantasies of machismo : here , at the end of the world , and of Ahmed 's tether , it bears the mark of defeat .
26 According to the motto , the words carved in granite outside our dock gates , a settlement in Africa raises no doubts : the great Roman god approves of the mingling of peoples and the making of treaties in Africa .
27 Juliet Mitchell has called Fraser 's book ‘ a miniature masterpiece ’ , while , according to Chatto , Glasser 's ‘ may well become a classic of modern autobiography ’ .
28 According to the Guardian , the New Year 's Honours list of 1988 in Britain contained a knighthood for ‘ Professor Albert Maillard , the Oxford historian ’ .
29 Waiting in the wings is a book by him about Ursula , entitled Style , which , according to Graham Greene , who was sent the manuscript , could be edited for publication .
30 According to the narrator , Patrick is ‘ so far from being anti-semitic that a couple of his best friends really were Jews ’ ( but who can these two best friends be — can Ormerod , unmentioned in the later novel , be one ? ) .
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