Example sentences of "establish [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What he wishes to do is to establish through everyday occurrences the realization within you of his existence .
2 What we have tried to establish through our agency surveys is a social profile of who uses heroin in the community , how much , how often and whether there are any obvious signs that a heroin habit causes users or others serious problems .
3 This means that the registering and monitoring arrangements need to be changed and that the statutory authorities need to establish through the joint planning mechanisms a way of incorporating these changes , that health and local authorities need to create a place for the private sector in the planning progress and that the role of bodies like the Mental Welfare Commission , the Hospital Advisory Service , the health councils needs to be extended to encompass and specifically address the whole business of monitoring the provision in the private sector in so far as it 's supported by public funds .
4 Only true-born eunuchs are believed to have the power to cast a curse , But as that is not easy to establish through casual meetings in the street , people are usually not prepared to gamble .
5 This concern with the rights of parents masks a continuing failure to establish as a principle the rights of children and young people to take part , or at the very least , have some say , in meetings where decisions about their future will be made .
6 The Northumbrians were instructed not to establish as king anyone who was illegitimate ( a slighting reference perhaps to Aldfrith and his descendants , or , for all that we know to the contrary , to other rulers — Aethelwald or Alhred ) nor to conspire to kill a king who was the Lord 's anointed , and any bishop or priest who was involved in such a crime was to be expelled from the Church and any layman excommunicated .
7 But what exactly was the new science of biology that Huxley and others wanted to establish as the basis for a modern education ?
8 As a result of what was reportedly a wide-ranging discussion , it was agreed to establish as a prelude to discussion of the Union Treaty two bilateral commissions to negotiate on the most contentious issues in USSR-Russian Federation relations , namely the delineation of state powers , ownership of state property , and the rights to dispose of natural resources .
9 While it is not easy to establish as an empirical matter what the current income-wealth distribution is , even if it could be established , the question of what degree of inequality should be the trigger for government policy remains .
10 If exclusion is to be permanent , the LEA 's decision on whether to order the pupil 's reinstatement is binding on the head teacher , although the governors may appeal against an LEA 's refusal to reinstate a permanently excluded pupil , using the same machinery which the LEA is required to establish for such appeals by parents ( and pupils if aged 18 or over ) .
11 The second group consists of agencies that the residents of a commune may decide to establish for the financing of local housing , utilities , roads , and other purposes .
12 If the point of the reference to Marx is to show that emergent English trade unionism had anticipated his conclusion that workers must take control of the means of production , that , to re-iterate his contemporaneous quotation from A Member of the Building Union : ‘ labour and capital will no longer be separate but they will be indissolubly joined together in the hands of the workmen and work-women ’ ; and again , this time from Bronterre O'Brien to the effect that the object of combination was ‘ to establish for the productive classes a complete domination over the fruits of their own industry … .
13 In presenting English culture as a transcendental essence inhering within an " organic " national language and a humanistic literary tradition , the goal was to establish for the study of English at the universities a status equivalent to Oxford 's Literae Humaniores .
14 Michael Middleton might argue ‘ that Minton is aware of man , … in relation to nature , to his self-constructed civilisation , to the passing moment , ’ but his failure to establish for his figures a setting that is anything more than a backcloth , limited the humanism inherent in his work , as well as its social or political relevance .
15 T : two things to establish for the writer at the beginning of the story one the situation what is the situation * at the beginning of the story * anybody what 's the situation Douglas * have you read the story Douglas S : no sir T : ah that wo n't help then will it who 's read the story what is the situation at the beginning SS : ( laughter ) T : £ is it Michael S : Carl T : what 's the situation at the beginning simple detail situation what where what is the story about at the beginning * have you read it S : no sir T : right who 's read it * Sarah ( Walsh 1987 : 82 )
16 Whatever ground woman manages to establish for herself , man abandons , denying its importance .
17 He will now begin the physically and mentally painful process of taking male hormones to establish for the first time his masculinity .
18 Her trick was to establish during the early part of the evening roughly where the man lived ; then to announce a destination for herself to which he could not suggest accompanying her without seeming over keen .
19 I think on this side there 's also a degree of corporate confusion at North Yorkshire about the what exactly the what exactly we we we 're trying to establish during this current round of er .
20 There are many theories of personality but the relationship between them and performance is difficult to establish despite the numerous personality trait tests on the market and their huge databanks .
21 It said it had been unable to establish with sufficient certainty which of the inconsistent statements made by Mr Clark was not true .
22 Suppliers are asked to state the nature of the business relationship they propose to establish with OUP .
23 OUP expect to establish with the supplier the criteria which will be used to determine whether the system functions correctly and can be accepted by OUP .
24 A company 's competitive position no longer ( solely ) depends on its internal capabilities ; it also depends on the type of relationships it has been able to establish with other firms and the scope of those relationships .
25 The link between exchange rates and debt is impossible to establish with clarity .
26 If , therefore , it is difficult at this stage for us to establish with any certainty general patterns of cause and effect between ‘ industrialization ’ and the relatively autonomous conjugal family , it may be possible for us to argue that there is at least a degree of fit , a congruence , between these two elements .
27 The story of Shinwell 's defection is more difficult to establish with accuracy .
28 From the subsequent descent of his estates it can be established that John 's heir was one Thomas Clanvow , either a son or a brother ; but the general uncertainty attending the family pedigree makes it impossible to establish with accuracy the relationship between him and other members of the family .
29 Even those he tried to establish with office girls seemed to founder fairly rapidly .
30 It will also be necessary to establish with the client :
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