Example sentences of "set himself " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He won enough to set himself up in his own business , so if you see a ‘ Terimon Cafe ’ on the outskirts of London you 'll know how it got the name . ’
2 The manager had been trying to set himself up in the Business when he knew full well that Clive had the franchise .
3 During 1860–2 he had found his title and ideas for some of the leading incidents , including the story of a young man feigning death and living with an assumed identity , but was unable to set himself to the writing until the autumn of 1863 , when he determined not to begin publication until he had 5 numbers in hand , since he was now writing so slowly , with care and with difficulty .
4 In Wales also Gloucester was expected to set himself at the head of existing officials .
5 It 's not that he wishes to set himself up as a leader .
6 Where did he get the money to set himself up with a yacht in Burnham-on-bloody-Crouch if it was n't a pay-off from Maurice Abberley for services rendered ? ’
7 A self-confessed con-artist and charlatan , he used his ‘ nimbleness of wit ’ to set himself up as a quack doctor and an exorcist .
8 ‘ In all my films , ’ said Winner , ‘ the underlying theme is the individual seeking to prove himself against the mass , to set himself above the environment .
9 Nevertheless , the local historian will find it useful to think of his chosen parish or neighbourhood in terms of broad categories such as ‘ open-field arable ’ or ‘ wood-pasture ’ or ‘ fenland edge ’ and to set himself the fundamental task of understanding how people adapted themselves to their physical environment .
10 In Wales also Gloucester was expected to set himself at the head of existing officials .
11 Chramn used his position in Aquitaine to set himself up in opposition to his father , Chlothar I , who sent his half-brothers to destroy him .
12 To do this he has to set himself up as one of the scared people of the modern world , a textbook example of homo neuroticus .
13 Eminent and learned the judge may be , but he can not set himself up as God over all football .
14 A self-reliant smallholder with a good workshop could set himself up for barn-drying quite cheaply , connecting a second-hand electric or internal combustion motor to a suitable turbo-fan , and leading the air through ducts on the barn floor .
15 But if Lewis wants to wear the WBC crown with pride , he must set himself aside from Riddick Bowe 's yellow-bellied tactics .
16 Nor can the counsellor set himself the task of dealing exclusively with one area .
17 He failed the test and the reward has gone to someone else and it is not , Anna said fiercely to herself , pressing her palms to her closed eyes , it is not fair that he should never know what he can not do , that he should always set himself targets he ca n't achieve , that he should never be allowed to progress .
18 In December , after Eisenhower had belatedly denounced him for trying to " set himself above the laws of our land " , he was condemned by the Senate .
19 Max Weber was an ardent nationalist whose political sociology was guided by the principle of the ‘ primacy of the interests of the nation state ’ , which he enunciated vigorously in his inaugural lecture at Freiburg in 1895 ; but he did not set himself to examine with any thoroughness the grounds of such ‘ primacy ’ .
20 In retirement he had set himself the task of making a replica Tomkin long-case clock .
21 They oppose the proposed changes for political reasons , believing that they form part of the task the prime minister , Michel Rocard , has set himself to reform public sector industry — reforms that many to the left of Mr Rocard believe to be inherently unsocialist .
22 He has set himself the task of trying to discuss the agenda Labour needs to develop over the next two decades on issues such as training , education and poverty .
23 He has set himself up as a left-wing leader taking on the Government , ’ Mr Clarke said .
24 During his first term in office Macmillan had achieved the three objectives that he had set himself when he took over from Eden in 1957 .
25 In recent years he has set himself up as a crusader for higher press and broadcasting standards , regularly harking back to the golden days of his journalistic apprenticeship in Yorkshire , where every fact was triple-checked and every speculation ruthlessly suppressed in the Hebden Bridge Times .
26 His only problem was , would he survive long enough to see through what was in some ways the most monumental task he had yet set himself ?
27 Such anthropomorphising of the salty liquid that swills about the surface of the planet is prominent in an anthology of writing about the sea under the parameters Jonathan Raban has set himself as editor .
28 MR MAJOR said last night that he had only just begun the tasks he had set himself .
29 WITH the prospect of a five-year term , John Major has set himself a formidable agenda .
30 He , surprisingly enough , was comparatively sober , which means he was drunk by any ordinary standards , but by the very gauge he had set himself over the years , he might be called a pillar of sobriety — and grumpy with it .
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