Example sentences of "find itself " in BNC.

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1 The wave of interest in the rediscovery of Celtic music is particularly important , and not merely because of the Celtic-Scottish influence on Leonard 's family ( an aspect that the Montreal Gazette highlighted regarding Lyon Cohen 's Gaelic accent recently ) and American eclecticism — often little more than a slavish following of European forms — which found itself in the development of ‘ pop ’ music , notably of ragtime around 1900 and jazz around 1918 .
2 This so-called new standard machine found itself overtaken by new technology and failed to attract hoped-for export orders , only running to fifty examples .
3 To sum up , in 1922 the Soviet government found itself in a situation similar to that of the late Tsarist regime , which in its final years had grasped the connection between literacy and modernization and between formal schoolwork and social control .
4 After a year in office , the Thatcher government found itself presiding over mass de-industrialization , inflation of more than 20 per cent , a rise in public spending , and the prospects of a slump .
5 The civil service found itself penetrated and politicized in the mid-1980s in a manner unknown since the days of Lloyd George .
6 The BBC found itself embroiled in a long series of disputes with the government , partly over its financing , partly over alleged anti-government reporting of such episodes as the Libyan bombing raids in 1986 ( covered by an able woman reporter , Kate Adie ) .
7 The BBC found itself increasingly demoralized , the proud corporate ethic of the days of Lord Reith under constant challenge .
8 The government found itself having to make concessions to normally docile bodies like the House of Lords and the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals , over such matters as security of tenure for academics and the universities ' powers to raise their own finance .
9 All humbug is punished sooner or later ; but Nemesis is notoriously slow , and it was a quarter of a century before she struck and the United Kingdom found itself , to the malicious glee of her neighbours , the first signatory state to the Convention to be found guilty of a breach of its terms , in Ulster in 1971 .
10 The Labour government found itself under pressure from three directions : from the left wing , largely concentrated in the ILP ; from the TUC , which , under the leadership of Citrine and Bevin , was coming to a new view of the causes of unemployment , one based upon the writings of John Maynard Keynes ; and from Sir Oswald Mosley and his supporters .
11 However , with the immediate advent of the war , BOAC never had a chance to establish commercial operations on any scale , and quickly found itself used by the Air Ministry ( its overseeing body , also in control of the Royal Air Force ) for military transport duties and ferry and communication services .
12 With regard to marriage , eighteenth century canon law , which recognized marriage based on verbal contract , found itself in conflict with common law , which denied the validity of such marriages as far as property was concerned .
13 Zampolli summed up the curiously optimistic mood the industry found itself in , post-war , at Geneva : ‘ You know , ’ he said , ‘ during the war I took three orders for the car .
14 The BBC again found itself the unwilling accomplice of the advertisers .
15 At 0300 hours on 30 June 1989 , 1st Battalion the Royal Scots found itself deployed into hides , along with the attached tanks , artillery and engineers that make up the Royal Scots battle group .
16 Denmark is their other northern commitment , and it is there that 2 RRP found itself on 30 June 1989 .
17 As the country found itself on the brink of a constitutional crisis , Mr Havel said the best way to avert such a crisis would be for President Husak to quit and for a strong prime minister to assume his authority temporarily , as the constitution permits .
18 Even while freeing its market at home , America found itself locked into the pernicious logic of government-to-government deals abroad .
19 After years of assuring everyone that China could be trusted to carry out the 1984 British-Chinese agreement on Hong Kong in good faith , the colonial administration found itself after Tiananmen Square presiding over a population which knew that China could not be trusted at all .
20 Thus Federconsorzi found itself owning some unprofitable bits of Italy 's food industry , such as a milk and cheese producer called Polenghi Lombarda and a jam company called Massa Lombarda .
21 New Zealand 's previous Labour government found itself unable to complete the job of economic liberalisation , and its members bickered among themselves .
22 Instead , BZW found itself in a race against County NatWest , rival offspring of another British clearing bank .
23 Eastern Airlines , long a takeover candidate , found itself in bankruptcy , not the arms of a suitor .
24 Lacking Fraser , the English attack found itself being hit around , and in the afternoon Richards launched into Malcolm , taking 18 off one over .
25 During the 1960s , under the leadership of Terence O'Neill , the Unionist Parliamentary Party found itself devoting an increasing amount of time to questions of economic and social reform .
26 This was , of course , a faction among Catholics , and one that dangerously found itself outnumbered and outmoded as the years went on .
27 To an American observer , preachers were ‘ the very mouthpieces of their congregations , expressing for them their better selves , the very voice of their inmost hearts so that the whole congregation found itself raised above its ordinary self ’ .
28 Thus far , however , the Rome government is concerned above all not to evoke memories of 1986 , when Italy found itself unable to support the US bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi , and the EC appeared hopelessly at odds with itself .
29 A BRITISH seaside resort 's Rotary club found itself way out of its depth when it extended the hand of friendship to a visiting Russian delegation .
30 On Recommendations 6 and 18 , the Eastern District found itself out of step with National WEA policy .
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