Example sentences of "no direct " in BNC.

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1 A black-box approach to the schooling process was used with no direct investigation of processes within the schools .
2 What Kafka discovers is that there is no direct relation between what I feel and what happens to me .
3 While you can still hit the opponent with any one of your body weapons he , in effect , has turned away from you and can launch no direct attack without first twisting to face you .
4 But so far we have received no direct approach .
5 There is no direct evidence on the breast or the potty .
6 She said there was no direct evidence linking their eggs with an isolated case of food poisoning that had occurred nearby in Bedworth in June , which was due to Salmonella enteriditis , not typhimurium .
7 He made no direct reference to the disturbances in April against the government 's economic policies .
8 It argued that of the half million British troops overseas , 200,000 were in areas that did not create a foreign currency liability , and of the rest few were in areas requiring direct dollar expenditure ; ‘ it follows that the contribution to be made to the balance of payments problem by the withdrawal of troops in overseas theatres will be strictly limited , will apply only to those areas when there is at present a currency obligation , and will produce little or no direct dollar saving . '
9 This complexity explains why the system of concepts and of values has no direct relationship with the process of production ; the two do n't fit .
10 Neither Morgan nor Engels denied that he had no direct evidence at all for this first primeval stage of total promiscuity .
11 In fact there is no direct link between the status of women and the reckoning of descent in one line or another .
12 Although there was no direct financial incentive for The purchase of shares , the bulk of those who took them up were involved in business .
13 Soviet leaders have made no direct comment about events in Eastern Europe — except to welcome reformist changes when they happen .
14 Leicester E ) she said there were no direct telephone line between 10 Downing Street and the head of government of any other country .
15 In the Nixon-Kissinger years , while there was no direct military intervention against the democratically-elected Marxist government of Salvador Allende , there was certainly a concerted destabilisation programme which contributed to his fall from power .
16 Forston stayed in Browne ownership until 1827 , when the philanthropic Francis John Browne of Frampton Court , who had no direct heirs , offered the manor to the county authorities , together with seven acres of land , as an ‘ asylum for the benefit of pauper lunatics ’ .
17 ‘ Uncle ’ Hardy had no direct heir , but left Letheringsett to his sister 's son , who was called William Hardy Cozens .
18 Competition between different groups of dolphins might have led to extinctions in some groups , but there is no direct evidence .
19 The lion 's share of whatever figure is agreed would go to Poland and Hungary : Czechoslovakia has not , as yet , requested direct aid ( President Vaclav Havel , speaking to Congress , concentrated on the importance of helping the Soviet Union ) ; Romania , so far , gets mainly subsidised food ; there are no plans for helping Bulgaria ; East Germany has West Germany ; Yugoslavia gets almost no direct aid .
20 And if the infrastructure of schools , health centres , roads and irrigation is to be created , governments will often need to borrow ; such investments are long-term and yield no direct cash returns , so private lenders are unlikely to be keen .
21 The Scuds fired so far have done no direct military damage , but the hunt for their launch sites has diverted many allied aircraft from other jobs .
22 None of them was more enthusiastic to turn on the heat and get the thing over than General Douglas MacArthur , the ‘ United Nations ’ commander in Korea , who was at pains to point out he had ‘ no direct connection with the United Nations whatsoever ’ .
23 I have no direct instructions on what action to take in this case . ’
24 Again , there was no direct reference to Hitler 's ‘ prophecy ’ about the destruction of European Jewry , though the whole section of the report was placed under a quotation from the speech which led up to the passage on the Jews : that in the light of the suffering of the Germans at the hands of others , people should ‘ keep well away from us with their humanitarianism ’ .
25 We have no direct evidence for the extent of the tribal divisions in the late first century BC and early first century AD .
26 Most coins , however , offer no direct evidence for their date , and it is consequently necessary to use other methods for establishing it .
27 This is all contemporary evidence and it therefore has no direct bearing .
28 For although Ajdabiyans usually had no direct part in disputes in Kufra , and vice versa , all had to make the peace .
29 Tremayne with pursed lips offered no direct opinion .
30 By this I do not mean that he did no experiments , but that he explained his results by hypothesizing the existence of entities for which he had no direct evidence .
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