Example sentences of "as ever " in BNC.

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1 In this , its 300th anniversary year , its role as human rights watchdog is as vital now as ever it was .
2 We are later tolerantly informed — in the presiding idiom of the book , by a narrator keen , as ever , to monitor Patrick 's impressions — that the smell was not atrocious : ‘ not strong but easily perceptible , like a large zoo passed at a distance . ’
3 End seems as far away as ever , he wrote , with the whole of the lower right panel still to sort out .
4 Arguably brewers are still as constrained by the profit motive as ever before .
5 This year it promises to be as big as ever , with 90% of stands space already booked .
6 The small foreign person was walking as jauntily as ever , though Bramble realized that he did so with a pronounced limp .
7 With hindsight it seems that the prevailing structures of police practice will remain as powerful as ever , for at a conference on policing at Bristol University ( 1988 ) , the newly retired Sir Kenneth admitted that police culture had defeated many of his attempts to bring a new ethic to the managerial style during his reign as commissioner of the metropolis .
8 I will expand further on this dichotomy between quality and quantity of ‘ crime ’ in Chapter 5 , but would argue that the chase for numerical detections in which detectives everywhere are immersed moves them across another conceptual boundary and takes them into a statistical world away from their previous world as ‘ real polises ’ where the central classifier of conflict with the ‘ prig ’ remains , as ever , in a power struggle over the body ( Foucault 1977 ) .
9 But this should not obscure from us the fact that Judaism resisted stoutly the prudery that stultified sexuality throughout the West , and always retained a high and honoured place for bodily functioning and its pleasures — as becomes indeed , a gift from God : ‘ Man and woman are one body and one soul , ( oneness reasserted , as ever ) , and it is this powerful union which it projects and enhances .
10 As ever , his world was split into two contradictory rhythms : solitude and company , his own tough self-criticism and the adulation of those around him : ambiguities converging , and testing .
11 He bears witness to this , and to the whole man ( as ever ) , with particular distinction in this new book .
12 Indeed , as we shall presently see , the two great intimacies — as ever — sharply reacted with each other , strengthening the conflict , heightening the ambiguity , posing in ever more painful interjections the question , ‘ Who am I ? ’
13 ‘ Hectic , as ever .
14 ‘ Real ale sales are growing , and there is increased interest in Britain 's brewing heritage , but the threat to traditional pubs remains as severe as ever .
15 Cheedale , as ever , still yields a few goodies on its more open crags .
16 But Fraser , steady as ever after missing five Tests through injury , found enough lift to have Sidhu sharply caught off bat and pad by John Morris .
17 But Soderstrom , introducing the songs set by set , was good company ; the recital hall at Blackheath , rescued from years of abuse by the government department that used to inhabit it , had a good sound and an airy Victorian grace ; and Roger Vignoles , the accompanist , was as clear and gifted as ever ; so the capacity audience wound up feeling happy , especially when treated to confident versions of Lehar 's Vilja Song or My Lips They Kiss So Hot .
18 And descending from the dizzy heights of Labour 's megalithic conference platform , he was as caustic as ever of the slick political selling job it symbolised .
19 For the clubs , as ever , the issue is money , most of which goes to the First Division .
20 It is our wish , as ever , to build better relationships with these agencies , and develop levels of mutual confidence to a point where the flow of information would be much greater than it has been .
21 Mrs Thatcher has made it clear that Britain remains as adamantly opposed as ever to sanctions and has no intention of joining in new measures against South Africa .
22 As ever , Serge Blanco was impossibly dynamic and Philippe Sella was an occasional threat .
23 The confrontations are alive — and most definitely kicking — and are as combative , irritable and downright ugly as ever .
24 The outlook is as menacing as ever , the sort of uncertainty which puts excitement into investment markets and pacemakers into investors .
25 But Robert is as fully committed to the world of bloodstock as ever . ’
26 But Floyd 's air of mock humility , constant stream of self-reflexive comments ( 'Quick cut away ; lots and lots of minutes have gone by now ’ ) and bossy remarks to the cameraman were as refreshing as ever .
27 As ever : the gear change and clutch are heavy ; the throttle response terrific .
28 As ever : this 911 feels small and responsive , at your beck and call .
29 Power steering is now standard , but it does nothing to blunt the feedback coming from front wheels to steering wheel : the old wrist-snapping kickback over bumps is largely eradicated but the important messages are translated as crisply as ever .
30 The mulch went on this year in March ( together with the Growmore , as ever ) , and only the keenest weeds have managed to struggle through .
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