Example sentences of "his arm " in BNC.

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1 Things would deteriorate rather quickly , for Alberto would return to his hotel in the evening with a sculpture eight to twelve inches tall under his arm and come back the next day with a piece no more than three or four inches high …
2 Once more he raised his arm involuntarily , as if in greeting . ’
3 Then goes he to the length of all his arm ,
4 She was sitting crying on the bottom step of the staircase outside Bert 's cubbyhole with Johnny , the ASM and callboy , who had his arm round her shoulders .
5 Or have been asked not to by her husband … ’ he put his arm round his wife .
6 This hooking action is important because it interferes with the opponent 's attempts to free his arm and keeps him closed off for a longer period .
7 Drop under the opponent 's high punch , blocking high on his arm with rising block whilst reverse-punching strongly with the other
8 Cameron caught sight of young McCulloch from Weem , standing beside Jean Bruce with his arm round her waist .
9 Cameron and Menzies were squeezed back nearly into the house , and big Mary , finding herself hard up against Menzies , took his arm , cleared a space with a sideways butt of her hip , and twirled once round with him .
10 Our business is personal with him and if you get between us — ’ The factor waited for the threat but a tall cloaked figure standing beside Menzies had pulled his arm to forestall him .
11 He put his arm round her waist and kissed her hard .
12 A piper marched beside him , the patched black bag of his pipes under his arm , the chanter blowing a reel .
13 MacDiarmid waved him forward with a commanding sweep of his arm and he came and sat at the end of the table .
14 Carefully he tried again but Cameron took his arm and told him not to hurry unduly , the joists had only been pinned in place and they were still waiting for the long nails from Grandtully .
15 As the dancers changed partners , set to each other , backed away , then set again and spun with crossed arms , Donald McCulloch became masterful , gripping the girls ' hands strongly , spinning so hard that the balls of their feet ached on the cobbles , and passing them on with an almost lordly flourish of his arm .
16 The lords in parliament , and in the courthouse and the castle , they do not know how we live — they know nothing about us , except that we will die for them , to protect their forts in India and in Scotland ’ — his voice sharpened suddenly , his arm swung round and pointed north and a gust of response rose out of the crowd — ‘ we have always been good at that , their demands can never be satisfied , regiments for the colonies , indentured servants and labourers for the plantations , they have scoured Scotland like a killing wind and the men have been whirled away in the blast of it .
17 When the Philadelphia — now remember this name — when the Philadelphia put into Stornoway in Lewis , and gleaned young boys from the beach , and stowed them in the hold like trade-goods , what constable or what factor raised his arm or his stick to stop the slavers ?
18 Menzies started to answer but Cameron put his hand on his arm , shook his head slightly , and said to Byers , ‘ I see the trouble .
19 Jean was clinging onto his arm , as though to stop him inflicting more hurt .
20 Three men stepped forward to meet Colberg : Donald Stewart , a gun across his arm , Donald McLaggan , holding a shaft with a curved blade at its end , and someone unknown to Cameron and Menzies , also with a gun .
21 The heel of one of them might massage his arm or the rough texture of his cheek .
22 Alan was on the screen ; there were streaks of blood on his face , his arm was strapped up and he wore a blanket round his shoulders .
23 Olive stroked his arm gently , coaxing .
24 Instead he stuck his chin in his hand , so removing his arm from her touch .
25 He put his arm round her .
26 An enormous bible under his arm
27 The boy came over and put his arm round me , as if he could not quite believe my laughter and my lack of agitation .
28 I think he broke something because a big white van took him away and he returned with plaster on his arm .
29 Clarke seemed momentarily to have the legs of Steve Norris , but as the Scarborough forward edged ahead Clarke used his arm to restrain him .
30 Indeed during the finale , at the rate his arm whirled over his Fender strings , it looked as though he had caught the tail end of Hurricane Hugo during their US tour .
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