Example sentences of "his right " in BNC.

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1 ‘ With his left hand he snatched the gun from the Pole 's hands , and with his right he gave him a violent blow to the ear . ’
2 The damned on Christ 's left , the saved on His right .
3 The owner of a sword who used his right .
4 Is he to stand behind her , to take her right hand in his right and to lift it over her head while their clasped left hands stretch sideways before they move swiftly and diagonally into an allement ?
5 Or is he to allow her to rest her left forearm on his right and to guide her round in an elegant mazurka — leading her , as it were , from the shoulder so that she always moves just in front of him ?
6 If Dr Runcie sees self-interest , self-righteousness and an intolerant and uncharitable disregard for the unsuccessful and the unemployed , it is not merely his right but his duty to speak out .
7 It was for the party refusing to disclose to establish his right to refuse .
8 My neighbour would patrol his right of way from time to time , an absurdly dignified figure in his familiar DIY boiler suit and woolly hat .
9 The head-on film showed Carroll House had rolled to his right , inhibiting the French-trained Behera , though not actually making contact , and the verdict could have gone either way .
10 A doctor 's primary duty to provide his patients with personal treatment limits his right to provide treatment by arrangement with a deputising service .
11 He had his fingers to his lips and was pointing to his right .
12 He changed his handkerchief from his left sleeve to his right .
13 Karl , his head turned steadily to his right , peered intently at the run-down flats and battered buildings and factories lining small side-streets , each and every one of which ended in that apparently insignificant , almost unobtrusive wall of grey concrete blocks .
14 He snatched at the ball inside the Bournemouth penalty area and , though confronted by four defenders , enterprisingly veered to his right before hitting the ball on the turn and in off the bar .
15 From the resulting corner Rhodes made another fine save , hurtling to his right to deflect away Dixon 's rising shot .
16 A West German journalist who interviewed a man claiming to be an IRA terrorist won a court ruling last week upholding his right to protect his sources and forbidding the federal prosecutor 's office from questioning him .
17 The one certainty is that he has consistently sought to secure his own position , mostly by presenting himself as a sensible centrist between the extremes to his right and left .
18 Here is young Boris Nikolayevich fearlessly exposing his primary-school teacher as a sadist ; deprived of his right to secondary education by vengeful teachers , he triumphantly appeals over their heads and continues his studies .
19 To say nothing of his general right of liberty or reputation , his rights as a husband or a parent are not proprietary rights , nor is his right to recover damages for personal injury or defamation ; but we may include among proprietary rights the right to recover damages though unliquidated ( i.e. of uncertain amount until settled by a judge or jury ) for breach of contract , or , probably , even for injury to his property .
20 In none of these cases do we think of the owner as having parted with the right of ownership , though it may be that the contract between the parties creates rights in favour of the bailee which the owner can not use his right of ownership to override .
21 The ideal of land registration is that a government office , after investigating the title , enters the applicant upon the register as owner , and furnishes him with a certificate in accordance with the entry ; the entry is conclusive as to his right , and no further investigation of the previous title can subsequently be necessary .
22 He may apply to the court if his right to redeem is disputed .
23 After the first exchange of letters , he would tell Viola about it to impress her of his need and , indeed , his right to her .
24 On his right , Doyle 's pale blue eyes were steady under the black hair , his face doubly familiar and hated because Tug saw something very like it every time he looked into the mirror .
25 He glanced to his right , towards the distant mass of the Castle Rock .
26 Over to his right were the brilliant winking lights of the cafés , fish and chip shops , and illuminations along the promenade : harsh dazzling white , soft yellows and the fiery red and orange letters of neon signs .
27 The CO leant across to the officer on his right , and then to the one on his left .
28 Christopher sat easily on the corner of his office table his Company Sergeant Major ramrod stiff a pace behind on his right .
29 His licence to seduce was as much his right as his licence to kill .
30 Black clouds were rolling up over the forest to his right , which now looked hostile , as though it were waiting for him to make a false move ; to tall perhaps , so that it could advance and swallow him , like a wild animal .
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