Example sentences of "from beneath " in BNC.

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1 During the year in which the final version was written it became clear that Raskolnikov must be freed absolutely from suicide and blanket boredom and ripostes like the one about family life which issue out from beneath that boredom .
2 Pears himself died in 1986 , leaving a new generation of British tenors to emerge from beneath his shadow at a time when Britten 's own work is undergoing vital reassessment and revival .
3 Where the general condition of a slated roof-slope is good , slipped slates may be resited by extracting the remains of the corroded fixings from beneath the overlapping course with a slater 's ripper .
4 Green leaves and curling tendrils were escaping under the edge of the dome like curly hair from beneath a helmet .
5 He sneaked a glance at her from beneath his brows , his head still lowered .
6 Buddie lowered his newspaper and turned his head to look at her from beneath furrowed black brows .
7 Buddie turned his head and looked at Frankie from beneath his scowl .
8 At one time the abbot 's vineyards stretched all the way to the River Severn , from beneath the castle walls where 98 corpses hung after the siege of Shrewsbury described in One Corpse Too Many .
9 He regarded the approaching host darkly from beneath bushy eyebrows .
10 He examined them from beneath pink-rimmed lids — as if checking that they were his , Trent thought .
11 Meanwhile Marcus 's face , emerging from beneath the soiled stubble , was looking remarkably clean and young .
12 Sweat pours from beneath my hat , and my shorts are going raggy at the hem .
13 Her husband had now bent down to retrieve the tongs from beneath the table .
14 The Botallack mine , with its nineteenth-century engine houses spectacularly sited on the cliffs , mined tin from beneath the sea-bed , with galleries going a third of a mile out from the shore , and the Levant mine had men working 2,000 feet below sea level .
15 Father Poole glared up at him from beneath white shaggy eyebrows .
16 A lank forelock fell from beneath the hat bearing the tricolour cockade .
17 Karelius crawled from beneath the wooden bivouac he had occupied during the night .
18 The Israeli collection also came from a cave , but three of the four British collections are from open sites , in a hollow tree ( Stratton ) , an old house ( Salthouse ) and from beneath a tree ( Barton Turf ) .
19 This was collected from beneath a tree in the fringing woodland of Lake Baringo in Kenya while the owl itself sat tight in the tree above .
20 Prey remains from beneath a kestrel nest at Aberdyfi , Wales .
21 Eight monkey scapulae from beneath a crowned eagle nest in Kibale forest , Uganda .
22 These include remains from beneath an osprey 's nest in Sweden , where the pellets were small and contained no bone but the ground was littered with the defleshed remains of many fish .
23 Its fast technique for assessing samples drilled from beneath the sea for oil companies is a commercial winner , and a go-ahead team under Dr John Bather is having to expand to keep pace with the demand .
24 There can be no reliable estimate that — ’ 10 per cent of the homes built in 1980 in New Mexico were made from adobe ’ , because Spanish Americans and Anglo Americans far from rich , can so easily convert the soil from beneath their feet into walls around new rooms , and they do this regularly with their own hands in enlarging their houses .
25 They stopped outside a small house , single-storeyed , one window beneath its dripping , soggy thatch roof , and a battered ale-stake jutting out from beneath the eaves .
26 The model came in with the cups of tea , still glowering darkly at Paula from beneath her fringe of false eyelashes .
27 She leaned on the table — her head jutting forward , wisps of iron-grey hair sticking from beneath the cap which she had not yet changed for a wig — and asked Midnight : ‘ What do y'know of the Captain 's affairs ?
28 She fixed him suddenly with a beady stare from beneath the crêpy lids .
29 Theresa gave him a brief , pitying smile , dragged the plastic bags from beneath the seat then expertly freed her brother and settled him on her left hip while , with the other hand , she collapsed the pushchair , with a single vigorous shake .
30 The bridge plate should only need replacing if it is split or lifting away from beneath the table ; check for this by looking inside with a torch and a small mirror .
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