Example sentences of "from outside " in BNC.

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1 To assert this is merely to reiterate a point that should be obvious : that science , however sophisticated its instrumentation , can not generate observations that somehow enable us to look at the relationship between experience and the world as it were from outside of experience .
2 Three First Division members of the management committee John Smith of Liverpool , Aston Villa 's Doug Ellis and Robert Chase of Norwich City — are known to favour Sandford as a new broom from outside football .
3 local industry is protected from outside competition ;
4 It was perhaps a foregone conclusion that he would go into the family firm founded by his great-grandfather , John Cadbury , in 1824 , although he had two tempting offers from outside industry when he had completed his degree .
5 Kent and Yorkshire even refused to recruit from outside of their territorial frontiers .
6 Moreover , club directors were tolerably insulated from outside pressure .
7 I 've read that you feel that the music comes from outside of you .
8 Motions from outside of the body often affect this ‘ vital motion ’ , either helping or hindering it , and our awareness of these changes constitutes pleasure and pain .
9 This is accounted for by the rather different procedure adopted in child sexual abuse investigations when there is an urgent need to protect the suspected victim and her or his evidence from outside pressure which may well emanate from the victim 's family .
10 There is a need to consider the range of possible models of human resource management ( HRM ) drawn from outside education .
11 Before examining the major sociological perspectives on crime , it is useful to refer to theories from outside of sociology , from other academic disciplines .
12 The meaning comes from outside us .
13 In our view one of the difficulties associated with curriculum initiatives which originate from outside of the school is the temptation to say yes to good ideas , funds , and other resources , when the school has not reached the point where this particular initiative fits into its evolutionary development of staff and curriculum .
14 ‘ You have to write about it from outside experience .
15 The action brought him round further , still shut off from outside contact , apart from the view through the lens .
16 Stroke across the eyelid close to the lashes , and from outside corner halfway along lower lashes , then lightly smudge .
17 There would be seven girls from school , farmers ' daughters mainly from outside Knockglen .
18 According to the Thera-vada school of Buddhism , the Southern Buddhism of Burma , Ceylon , Siam and Cambodia , there is no grace from outside man 's being to support , strengthen and save him ; he must rely on his own efforts , and the task will need more lives than one , countless lives in this world , alternating perhaps with lives in a heaven or hell .
19 In general old people who are becoming vulnerable in some way , are left to carry on coping with the assistance of family , friends , or neighbours , and most receive minimal help from outside welfare agencies .
20 You are not one of us , you are from outside us .
21 The Crusoe syndrome , as I have dared to call it , is nowhere absolute , and British literature since 1945 has succumbed to occasional , and occasionally catastrophic , influences from outside itself .
22 In the same fashion , Kant maintained , the nature of our knowledge can not be understood if we assume that it is simply fed into us from outside ourselves , and that we are merely passive recipients of information from the world around us .
23 Industry bargaining was also preferable to employers in Italy since it allowed their associations to maintain a tight control on bargaining activities whilst at the same time freeing the individual employer from direct impact with the union — yet giving him ample leeway to influence his employees from outside union channels ( Treu , 1981 ) .
24 Within the Community both would have some protection from outside competition .
25 More sinister changelings became channels for daemons which walked the land in those host bodies , twisting and melting their anatomy into devilish monstrosities with scales and horns , claws and feelers — until the possessed bodies finally fell apart , until the vestiges of corrupted mind were sucked away as spirit-meat for those parasites from outside of normality .
26 According to Collins , the collegial pursuit of independent truth arises under the following three conditions : the development of an educational system large enough for teachers to become inward-looking ; a relative autonomy from outside control ; and some degree of internal differentiation within the school system — the key group in the development of science are those most insulated from the outside world , the teachers of teachers ( Collins 1975 ) .
27 Although the NRA has no formal position on Waco , many members argue , at least in private , that David Koresh had every right to defend his compound from outside interference .
28 They shielded the broadcasters from outside pressure — from all directions , not just from the politicians — and they reviewed the broadcasters ' work , explaining , justifying and sometimes excusing it to government and the public .
29 Allen was to play an important role in the story of the BUF , in general it was those who came to fascism from outside politics who were to prove the most important elements in the organization .
30 The the trust has actually approached several Council 's in the area not just Harlow Council obviously but many many other Councils and I think there was only one other Council that provided some funding and that was something like two hundred and fifty pounds was offered at one time I think that 's ceased now so there is no other Council although although it 'd be interesting tonight although fifty per cent of the people who actually use this facility actually come from outside the town but there 's no funding directly or indirectly from any other Council so my knowledge would be if you exclude B P exclude General Portfolio perhaps I 'm doing other companies a disservice I ca n't think of any other major company in town that 's actually provided but Gordon can you think of .
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