Example sentences of "from chapter " in BNC.

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1 Both do nicely from chapter 11 ; other creditors do not .
2 The extra complexity of the second hypothesis may seem a good reason for preferring the first , but in fact any theory of latent inhibition will need to find some place for the idea that associability can change if it is to accommodate the chief conclusions to emerge from Chapter 3 .
3 In the light of this general conclusion which will be substantiated from Chapter 7 onwards , it becomes clear that sharpening the tools of policy-making and increasing the ‘ expertness ’ of government personnel should no longer be the central concern .
4 As you will remember from Chapter 2 Alexander himself suffered from asthma very badly as a child .
5 That deaf people marry other deaf people was not , as could be supposed at that time , a new phenomenon — it will be recalled from Chapter I that John Dyott married a deaf girl after the Civil War in 1645 .
6 The five-part Mass Fera Pessima — as its mutilated manuscript superscription should probably be read , though certain scholars have tried to dub it A Pessinuntia ( on account of its saturation in the dark Phrygian mode ) or even A Pestilentia ( speculatively linking it with an outbreak of plague in Stirling , where Carver might , or then again might not , have been living , in the 1940s ) — seems freely based on a plainsong of the Sarum rite derived from Chapter 37 of the Book of Genesis : ‘ Jacob … rent his garments . …
7 It is many years since I last heard VW 's restless setting of words taken from Chapter I of Ezekiel , which in context form a strangely appropriate backdrop to the work 's actual inspiration , A Vision of Aeroplanes .
8 These verses ( from chapter 2 ) I received personally as an encouragement to ‘ Arise ’ and look for a new way of following Christ and preaching the gospel .
9 From Chapter 23 )
10 From chapter 8 onwards the theme of suffering is the major preoccupation of the book .
11 As you will see from Chapter 5 , investment can take many different forms and among the list of different options there should be something to suit almost everyone .
12 As can be seen from Chapter 7 on feeding , high nitrogen can produce imbalance and soft , lush , disease- and pest-prone foliage with roses .
14 After the Council had moved on from chapter II , Cardinal Ottaviani , without protest from any of those presiding , returned to it in defiance of the rules .
15 A few sentences from chapter III , headed ‘ Realities in Indian Prisons ’ , will give the flavour of the report :
16 Software house Chantal Systems in San Diego , California has gone from Chapter 11 to Chapter 7 .
17 As is apparent from Chapter 3 ( Section 2 ) , the growth and development taking place in the early fetus provides a rich source of mitotic division .
18 However , it is intended that they should extract from the reader that kind of critical attitude with which he should read this book from Chapter 1 onwards .
19 We shall perform a number of consequences-seeking calculations of this type in a more abstract setting from Chapter 3 onwards .
20 ( ii ) The words map and mapping seem to have gained greater favour in algebra than the word function ; from Chapter 3 on we shall almost invariably use one of these two words .
21 Passages [ 17 ] and [ 18 ] are respectively the unemended and emended versions of a short extract from Chapter 17 of Samuel Butler 's The Way of All Flesh ( changes of wording have been italicized ) The extract concerns the birth of the book 's hero , to the younger son of George Pontifex : [ 17 ] Now , therefore , that the good news [ viz of the birth of Theobald Pontifex 's son ] came it was doubly welcome and caused as much delight at Elmhurst as in Woburn Square [ it caused dismay ] , where the John Pontifexes were now living .
22 If you move straight from chapter 5 to chapter 8 you will get a stark contrast between two theories of justification , and all you need to know for the moment is that I take the intervening chapters to provide a reason against any form of foundationalism .
23 The autumn statement should include as much as practicable of the material from Chapter 1 of the PEWP .
24 Consider the Roy Hobbs example from Chapter 4 .
25 ( To borrow a metaphor from Chapter 2 , they come out of Plato 's cave . )
26 This is harder to believe than it should be , because textbooks and courses always seem to be structured as if there is a steady progress from chapter to chapter , week to week , grade to grade .
27 To begin with , it is clear from chapter 1 that the CAPM does not require any comparison between the divisional risks and the risk of the corporate group as a whole .
28 Please will you turn back to our epistle , from chapter 3 of Ephesians .
29 These results are combined with information from Chapter 2 on the distortion of time by the Earth 's gravitational field to yield the Schwarzschild solution ( Section 4.3 ) .
30 Subscripts and superscripts are introduced in eqn ( 4.1 ) so that the notation is consistent with that used from Chapter 5 onwards .
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