Example sentences of "but ever " in BNC.

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1 The anarchic and the political , the anger and the boredom , are all active in Wilde 's transgressive aesthetic , and most especially when the survival strategies of subordination — subterfuge , lying , evasion — are aesthetically transvalued into weapons of attack , but ever working obliquely through irony , ambiguity , mimicry , and impersonation .
2 The police station was not yet half a dozen years old , but ever since its completion the powers that be , like fussy housewives , had been unable to let well alone , adding innovation after innovation , perpetually trying to improve their handiwork .
3 But ever since then I have often wondered why he was in Washington .
4 Not only is he possibly the best friend I have , man friend , but ever since I ‘ came out ’ , he 's wanted to be rather more than that . ’
5 It may sound a bit corny , but ever since I 've started to wear my traditional dress to school , I feel so much more comfortable .
6 But ever since the good men started to go down and get married and have families and I do n't know what … well , I do n't know what .
7 But ever since the day when she had faced her own fears she had held fast to her principles .
8 The BBC may be old-fashioned ‘ Aunty Bebe ’ to some , but ever since the world 's first regular broadcast service began from London on November 2 , 1922 , the ‘ good old reliable BBC ’ has retained its meticulous care in all facets of broadcast communication .
9 He was a pleasant enough lad , but ever bored .
10 Now do n't ask me why , but ever since that fateful day ‘ Jaz ’ has not taken much of a liking to me .
11 The houses in the Eastern St George 's are almost all small , and the streets and alleys form a sort of labyrinth — a tangled web of dingy structures — in , s and outs , and twisted meshes of lane and alley , having only one feature in common , that feature telling of poverty … not always squalid … but ever displaying the presence of a population of the humblest means — one in fourteen of the whole population of the parish are paupers .
12 But ever since Otto Schott invented thermometer glass it 's been possible to measure temperature differences to an accuracy of one thousandth of a degree Celsius .
13 She ‘ could find no comfort in meat or drink or conversation , but ever was gloomy in face and behaviour till God would send them to her again , and then she was merry enough ’ .
14 ‘ When I think how it was when I joined up … you 're not so badly off down in Florence where at least you 've got a central canteen , but ever since we 've had to do without a resident housekeeper in the smaller stations we 've had to spend half our time teaching mothers ’ boys to cook pasta . ’
15 It is further urged upon me that the justices , having found as a fact that the parents had been in continuous contact with each other , and the justices being satisfied that there were grounds for believing that both the children were likely to suffer significant harm , which was a specific finding that they made , they were plainly wrong in refusing to make an interim order in that they first of all failed to have regard to the fact that the parents had colluded over the cause of D. 's injuries , and there was evidence to that effect ; secondly , that the mother had lied to social services , Dr. Barnardo 's and the guardian about having had at the relevant times no contact with the father — and that is indeed what the mother has done , she has lied ; and , thirdly , that the father had been in breach of a term of the bail conditions which had been imposed upon him , not only on 23 December 1991 but ever since his release in as much as he had visited and contacted the mother .
16 His head dropped , his wings sagged , and he gave up any attempt to fly out , not just then but ever .
17 Beth was always very careful to put a safety screen across the fire , but ever since the tragedy that had taken Maisie , she suffered from a real dread of accidents .
18 I can not say whether this manifestation was a product of opium or not but ever after the most excruciating of my opium torments have regularly visited me with his likeness and the haunted corridors of my mind have resounded with his peculiar bombast .
19 In the early days I had been a bit disappointed that the NUJ had n't immediately leapt to John 's defence , but ever since I had first been to see the General Secretary , Harry Conroy , and his assistant , Tom Nash , the union had done what it could to respond to what was asked of them .
20 Nothing more was said , but ever since Dexter had brought along a selection of his own tapes and there had been an informal division of playing time on the cassette player in the car .
21 There were many more ardent Communists , but ever since the twenties they had been obliged to keep very quiet indeed .
22 He knows what he wants , and he means to go forward and grasp it , but ever he turns aside , or his feet lag .
23 At the Zoological S. at 33 Bruton St. — at Hullmandels — at Broad St. ever the same persevering hardworking toiler in his own ( ornithological ) line , — but ever as unfeeling for those about him .
24 But ever since you 've gone they 've been conspiring against me , plotting , and — ’
25 He said he knew it sounded crazy , but ever since he 'd read it he 'd wanted to experience it , but had never met a woman who made him feel that way . ’
26 But ever since the Government became embroiled in the row over the plan to close 31 pits , local beer lovers have veered away from the pub with the Prime Ministerial name .
27 With regard to our overworked ( but ever smiling N.D.O. , , please help to improve the quality of her life by phoning her at home between the hours of 8am – 9am or during office hours .
28 and twenty p things but ever so unusual .
29 ten and twenty p things , but ever so unusual like there might be an ice cream co , all fun things there all
30 thrushes , but ever
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