Example sentences of "make clear " in BNC.

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1 The concentration on the subjective nature of experience made clear the logical privacy , and hence non-physicality , of sense experience in a way in which it was never made clear within the classical and scholastic traditions .
2 Mr Fitton yesterday made clear that he had always been acting in an independent capacity in the offer for Eagle , and that it had no connection with Braithwaite .
3 As I made clear to my officers at that briefing , I expected — and received — the very highest standards of policing , sensitivity and courtesy .
4 NIGEL LAWSON yesterday made clear his determination to keep interest rates as high as necessary to defeat inflation and provide a sound basis for continued economic prosperity .
5 Gibraltar , whose importance as a naval base was now much diminished , caused continuing diplomatic embarrassment with Spain , although the local population made clear their wish to remain British .
6 Eliot made clear that his Pageant Play made no pretence of being a contribution to the dramatic literature of England .
7 Eliot made clear in Notes that his true concern was ‘ a problem of the first importance … that of the transmission of culture ’ .
8 The Chancellor made clear that henceforth he would rely more on the narrower definition of money , Mo , and maintain a high exchange rate ( and high interest rates ) to dampen inflation .
9 And she made clear only last week the depth of her opposition to giving the European Parliament more power .
10 However , Mr Gorbachev made clear this did not mean the entire relationship between the two Germanys had to be frozen for ever .
11 Mr Todd made clear at the weekend that he thought Mr Field was a bad loser , saying he appeared to think he was God 's gift to Birkenhead .
12 Mr Smith made clear that Labour 's first response would be to seek entry to the exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System and that its spending priorities would be pensions and child poverty .
13 He said recent legislation and jurisprudence made clear that regulators are not liable to investors .
14 He made clear to Hitler that Britain would not fight to uphold the Versailles treaty and , for far too long , held to the hope that the Third Reich 's territorial ambitions would cease after it had vacuumed up all ethnic Germans .
15 Sinai established , or was designed to establish , the mutual relationship between them and their God , and made clear its demands .
16 A number of the more left-leaning activists from the first strike , such as Bob Pagels and Glen Barr , made clear their opposition to this second stoppage .
17 With direct reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and in response to a ‘ demand ’ for more radical action which he had read in a newspaper , Hitler made clear that he had at the time to proceed tactically and in stages , but that his strategy was to manoeuvre his enemy into a corner before destroying him completely .
18 To state the identity of a free person made clear that he was not an asocial person but a member of a group of free men .
19 As Descartes made clear , the mind , like the senses , prefers to focus only on one event at a time .
20 As he intensified the party 's efforts to lure floating voters away from the Liberal Democrats , the Labour leader made clear he had not ruled out holding a referendum on constitutional change .
21 Mr Ashdown made clear that the Liberal Democrats would prefer to be ‘ locked together in a partnership ’ with a minority government .
22 ON the eve of the most crucial test yet for Russia 's radical reforms , President Yeltsin made clear yesterday he would not cede any of his emergency powers to parliament , although he said some aspects of his economic programme would be softened .
23 Mr Yeltsin made clear he would not contemplate any reduction in his powers and that his government would stick to its monetarist path , albeit with greater emphasis on social protection for the hardest hit .
24 MRS THATCHER went to the American heartlands yesterday and made clear when questioned by university students that she viewed with alarm the idea of Britain under a coalition government .
25 Mr Yeltsin made clear he would not contemplate any reduction in his powers and that his government would stick to its monetarist path , albeit with greater emphasis on social protection for the hardest hit .
26 Mr Yeltsin made clear he would not contemplate any reduction in his powers and that his government would stick to its monetarist path , albeit with greater emphasis on social protection for the hardest hit .
27 Ministers made clear on Wednesday that they would resign en masse if Mr Yeltsin 's hand was forced .
28 BORIS Yeltsin , the Russian President , suffered two serious blows last night when the country 's highest parliament voted to strip him of direct control of the government by July , and Ukraine made clear it would not ratify a landmark arms treaty between the United States and the former Soviet Union .
29 It could also prove too great a hurdle for Mr Gould , a well-known Euro-sceptic , who made clear that he would be pressing for Labour to rethink its economic policy and to advocate realignment of the pound within the European exchange rate mechanism to enable it to put forward more positive policies on industry and employment .
30 He also made clear his misgivings at the attempts to rush the decision .
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