Example sentences of "[to] [be] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I mean eight hours a day , it 's got ta be over the hundred
2 a member of the G M B. I 'm proud to say that I 'm a trade unionist , and I 'm proud to say that I 'm a Socialist , and if I 'm gon na remain that , and if we 're gon na carry that message forward , we 've got ta be on the move , we 've got ta do it , we 've got ta carry it forward , we ca n't afford to muddle our way through .
3 Got ta be on the phone all the bleeding time .
4 Right , now if you do n't interact right you 're not gon na get a result and if the customer does not interact with you , then you 're not gon na get a result , right , now if you assume that as you 're working your way through that appointment that your enthusiasm is passing across to the customer or anybody else who is in the room , right , right , but through that interaction right you 're working towards a result , now if you go and come out of that office , about his , with a result , you 'll know you 'll know what you 're getting next week or next month you got ta I mean the customer 's got ta be at the
5 it 's got ta be outside the clothing !
6 You 've got ta be in the job five years opposed to two years to get protection against unfair sacking , sick pay , redundancy pay , maternity leave .
7 Yeah but what they 're saying is it 's got ta be in the night before so that when they come in that next morning
8 You 've got ta be in the , no actually it 's B
9 A well anyway it 's got , I 've got cos it 's got ta be with me anyway on it , cos I 've got ta be in the conversation somewhere he said .
10 Got ta be in the right places you see .
11 Well , er , it 's all according to whether they can afford it in the first instance , secondly , is it gon na be across the board ?
12 And also I think , which is very strong and I think it does come out in , in the Chinese Communist Party , is the lust of power which can be even more dangerous when you convince yourself I 'll do all you lot good but I can make you all members of the Communist Party , whether you want to be or not does n't really matter , you know , it 's gon na be for the good of the country so you fall in with this trap of assuming that you want is for their good so it 's sort of a , a dangerous thing .
13 Yeah right as I 'm gon na be for the time
14 When they do a tour , we 're gon na be on the guest list .
15 You 're gon na be on the road , the number of miles you do is obviously going to put you at risk , more than somebody who does a third of your miles .
16 Well I sent it to the B B C , I sent it to Duncan but I also sent it to the the Lady a shorter version to the Lady their competition and I said their competition was gon na be on the eighteenth in their issue they would give the names of the of the winners , but I had looked in the Lady yesterday in Smiths and there was none of nothing about it , but I do n't think I 've won anyway because it said you 'd be notified by post so .
17 well not exactly g gon na be on the defensive because it 's , I do n't , it 's , it 's , it 's no less , it 's no less genuine , you know it 's , it 's part , it 's , it 's , it 's a view that they can express in different circumstances ,
18 Cos Jane does n't wan na be on the .
19 Yeah I do n't wan na take a bottle of sherry round , the school will think I 'm gon na be on the booze all afternoon do wo n't they !
20 when the order placed to the , when it 's gon na be on the rack and ready .
21 Yeah , all gon na be on the fifteenth
22 But I mean , this is gon na be like the family room so , I mean , it is gon na get knocked about a bit !
23 it 's one of those curtains they 're gon na be behind the
24 We will in actual fact make a profit in the second year erm although that 's gon na be against the fi first year loss .
25 Well he 's as sure as hell gon na be round the old people 's homes !
26 whether or not we 're gon na be in the same situation on erm
27 Er the in the aeroplane , you wan na be in the middle , if you can get in the middle you 're
28 That 's gon na be in the individual master job file .
29 So Bob 's gon na be in the in trouble .
30 It 's gon na be in the year two thousand they 're gon na wipe it out .
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