Example sentences of "[to] [verb] [pers pn] that " in BNC.

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1 Six seven eight I 've got ta do it that , like that .
2 I 've got ta show you that picture , it 's that big , across the leg all blood dripping down off it .
3 Look if I 've got ta tell you that one more time now I 'm gon na scream !
4 Which marks for the last test give a final average of fourteen marks for So the one test is gon na give him that is n't it ?
5 so if you wanted to go see if you change William 's thing to the colour I want and if they had , he said he thought the shirt that the guy got with it matched it better than the smaller check , so do you wan na give him that check shirt that I bought him ?
6 I 'm not gon na give him that , I 'm gon na give you half .
7 So be prepared for that , be prepared that the person you 're going to talk to is not gon na give you that usual to and fro feedback and do n't be thrown by that .
8 Right , I want to pick up on I 've started looking at your tests , the history of language ones and I 've actually marked only the section where you actually re-wrote the er , early modern English extract , and I want to pick up on that instantly , and talk about that and the ways you you , the way you can go around , no I 'm not gon na give you that .
9 Oh that what I was gon na show you that 's Peter he bought it and did n't want it , you look at this month 's Prima for Christmas .
10 And how are you going to record ar are you still you see , you ca n't use colours , if you 're gon na do it that
11 divide them into neat piles , place in oven proof dish do you wan na do it that way ?
12 I 'm gon na call her that at school .
13 right , you love that benefit , does n't matter about anybody else in the country likes that benefit , you are gon na sell them that benefit , but there 's other benefits to the system , do you follow me ?
14 If you wan na take it that way .
15 When are you gon na pay me that ?
16 He 's forgotten that we did but I 'm not gon na tell him that .
17 But I 'm not gon na tell you that .
18 Well I ai n't gon na tell he that .
19 No , you gon na ask him that ?
20 I knew he was gon na ask me that !
21 Ah I was just gon na ask you that .
22 I was gon na ask you that , you you moved into er more a a more supervisory capacity when you
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