Example sentences of "[being] [verb] after [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hayling had realized that although women 's interests were being looked after on the paper , there was already suspicion of NoS in the black community .
2 She was being looked after at home by her children and there was a great deal of anxiety being expressed by all the carers involved as to what would happen to the children .
3 She was obviously not being looked after at all .
4 With new technology making our lives easier by the day , it 's good to know that the environment is being looked after at the same time .
5 There are 120 cats and dogs being looked after at the RSPCA 's animal shelter in Whitminster near Stroud .
6 It 's good to see their interests being looked after at long last .
7 For most mentally-ill people are being looked after in the community anyway , by relatives and friends who can not bring themselves to have the people they love locked away .
8 Mr Deputy Speaker that 's exactly what the authorities are asked to make sure about and of course they must have sensible plans so that there are always beds and facilities for those who need them , but in a way it 's a success of care in the community that that more elderly people are being looked after in their own homes and so we 've arrested the very rapid growth in permanent residential places which was occurring before the policy was introduced er , as we now see , despite some gloomy forewarning , local authorities have in general managed well in the first year of their responsibilities , they 've examined thousands of cases and many people have been helped to make decisions about their own futures .
9 During a trip with his amateur mountaineering father the rains came and young Simon spent four days being looked after in a Buddhist teaching monastery .
10 ‘ Oh horrible creatures , ’ cried Dame Edna with feeling , ‘ to think my darling mother was being looked after by those fiends .
11 Let him get used to being looked after by other people , but make sure they understand how he should sit and move .
12 But he gave an account of having grown up being looked after by black servants because both his parents worked , and he claimed that , after they had separated , a black housekeeper named Evelyn became almost a mother-figure to him .
13 The people looking after chickens do not identify with individual chickens and , as has been said already , very large numbers of animals should not be being looked after by very small numbers of people who have no incentive to treat them as individuals .
14 A girl , aged two , who was locked in her home for nearly 24 hours with the bodies of her dead parents was being looked after by relatives yesterday .
15 Joanna 's sister , Lucy , 22 , said : ‘ My sister is still very upset and she is being looked after by her mother . ’
16 The other child is still being looked after by the parents who took her home .
17 Baby Two is still being looked after by the parents who took it home .
18 The children are now being looked after by their nanny .
19 Keeping track of young people is particularly difficult when they are being looked after by an SSD .
20 ‘ ( 1 ) Subject to the following provisions of this section , a child who is being looked after by a local authority may not be placed , and , if placed , may not be kept , in accommodation provided for the purpose of restricting liberty ( ‘ secure accommodation ’ ) unless it appears — ( a ) that — ( i ) he has a history of absconding and is likely to abscond from any other description of accommodation ; and ( ii ) if he absconds , he is likely to suffer significant harm ; or ( b ) that if he is kept in any other description of accommodation he is likely to injure himself or other persons .
21 ‘ Where the person applying for leave to make an application for a section 8 order is not the child concerned , the court shall , in deciding whether or not to grant leave , have particular regard to — ( a ) the nature of the proposed application for the section 8 order ; ( b ) the applicant 's connection with the child ; ( c ) any risk there might be of that proposed application disrupting the child 's life to such an extent that he would be harmed by it ; and ( d ) where the child is being looked after by a local authority — ( i ) the authority 's plans for the child 's future ; and ( ii ) the wishes and feelings of the child 's parents .
22 Some of them are away at school , some being looked after by Nanny , in the upper parts of the house .
23 I do miss Rosa , and I am not able to go and see her because she is being looked after by my friend , Bill Purves at Clove Lodge , the next farm to Low Birk Hatt .
24 The seneschal looked briefly at the quivering attendant being looked after by the others , then he shrugged and said something to the under-cook , who quickly got back down off the stool and turned to the others .
25 That mothers treat the sexes differently is confirmed by the study in which toddlers were dressed in clothes belonging to the opposite sex and then were observed whilst being looked after by a woman who was not their mother .
26 It was a new sensation — or one she had forgotten — this feeling of being looked after by a strong , tender man .
27 My herb-garden , like Maelmuire 's , is being looked after by others .
28 Part Four examines the respective rights , duties and responsibilities of the local authority , parent and child when a child is being looked after by a local authority .
29 ( e ) Support for children away from home Local authorities have a duty to protect the welfare of any child in need within their area who is living apart from his family but is not being looked after by the authority ( Sched 2 , para 10 ) .
30 In deciding whether to grant leave the court must have regard to : ( i ) the nature of the proposed application ; ( ii ) the applicant 's connection with the child ; ( iii ) the risk of harmful disruption to the child 's life ; and ( iv ) where the child is being looked after by a local authority , the authority 's plans for the child 's future and the wishes and feelings of the parents ( s10(9) ) .
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