Example sentences of "[being] [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Christopher Pitchford , QC , prosecuting , told the jury : ‘ Whatever their feelings were on the home of an elderly woman being broken into by a gang of drug-crazed teenagers , it did not give anyone the excuse to take the law into their own hands . ’
2 The old map refers to the southern section of Turnham Green as the ‘ Front Common ’ ( that on the north side of the High Road being referred to as the ‘ Back Common ’ ) and there existed , in Sutton Lane , overlooking the Packhorse Pond , ‘ The Chestnuts ’ , also Arlington House , with Arlington Park to the west , on the other side of the road from Fromow 's nursery , and the ruins of Heathfield House still shown on the road leading to Little Sutton and Dean 's Almshouses .
3 Also , in the meantime , a military revolt had taken place in the Spanish army , lead by General Franco , and it soon became clear the division of the contending sides were , on the one side , The Nationalists who were strongly supported by Italy , Germany and Portugal , and on The other side , the government forces , supported by Communist Russia , which led to that side being referred to as ‘ Republicans ’ .
4 Sue Jennings ' ( 1973 ) approach to Drama Therapy is a good example of all sorts of group and individual game-like experiences being referred to as drama .
5 I began to get nervous when these new fluorescent vehicles started being referred to as ‘ mountain' bikes .
6 Anyway , that was the theory about her disappearance and it changed from being a theory to being referred to as what had probably happened and then later still it was accepted .
7 This is a vast amount of energy saved , sufficient to justify conservation being referred to as ‘ the fifth fuel ’ .
8 Joan Felthouse indicated in her introductory comments that many members of the Animal Welfare Movement dislike being referred to as ‘ bunny huggers ’ .
9 They have very little root , thus being referred to as floating teeth , and are easily removed by either the horse dentist or vet .
10 The result is the distinctive ‘ raised bands ’ of early books , the spaces between the bands often being referred to as compartments .
11 ‘ It was very disturbing to hear of patients being referred to as ‘ nigger ’ .
12 Microsoft Corp 's chief hatchet man Steve Ballmer has been telling people that Windows NT will be available in May : meanwhile object-oriented Cairo is now apparently being referred to as NT Version 2 .
13 Meanwhile , Cairo is now apparently being referred to as NT Version 2 .
14 Despite the tenant being referred to as ‘ him ’ , it is generally the woman of the household who bears the brunt of housing management principles .
15 Cited in the writings of the Carolingian age , the De re militari began to enjoy a particular vogue during the renaissance of the twelfth century , being referred to as an authority on military matters by writers who had no first-hand knowledge of war .
16 The relationship between A and B is not one of " automatic " word-pairing but of what is here being referred to as greater precision : the in question is a .
17 Its appeal is furthered by the fact that it can be electrified by rubbing , a property which has sometimes led to its being referred to as ‘ black amber ’ .
18 erm , all I can say is I 'm glad to see that it 's stopped being referred to as women 's troubles , you know and we 're actually bringing it out to the forefront .
19 I would just to say , I think women , women are such victims of the fashion industry and I think there 's a lot more hype surrounding th the bride than there is surrounding the groom and er I think erm , you know th a lot more thought needs to go into the whole thing , there 's so much pressure on young people , particularly girls and there 's sa , so much idealism around the whole thing erm , and and there 's a lot of alternatives to marriage , you know , and this is discounted as th , the woman over there said , about being referred to as Mrs , particularly when you 're over a certain age if you 're not married .
20 Periods of a particular polarity are termed epochs , with shorter phases of opposite magnetization within these being referred to as events .
21 The narrow zone marking the relative movement between two plates , which in most cases is fairly clearly demarcated by seismic activity , is termed a plate boundary , with the peripheral region adjacent to this boundary being referred to as a plate margin .
22 Thus it is sufficient to know the general location of the participants in order to interpret : ( 25 ) This city is really beautiful and to know the set of potential addressees in the situation in order to interpret : ( 26 ) You can all come with me if you like and to know when the interaction is taking place in order to know which calendar year is being referred to in ( 27 ) We ca n't afford a holiday this year We could formulate the distinction thus : gestural usages require a moment by moment physical monitoring of the speech event for their interpretation , while symbolic usages make reference only to contextual coordinates available to participants antecedent to the utterance .
23 Out of the corner of her eye , she caught the fact that they were being stared at with unveiled interest by most members of the group , the most curious of all , of course , being Mandy .
24 But perhaps it was n't as bad as it looked , and in any case one could n't go on sitting here , being stared at by the whole of St Petrock's-on-Sea while Chignell waved smelling salts under one 's nose .
25 Pre-war south-bound motorists may still remember , soon after leaving the Kingston by-pass , being stared at by supercilious llamas and ruminant bison from a field on the left which was the boundary of the Ezra estate .
26 That 's probably because I 'm being stared at by some bloody bla ginger haired git in the back row !
27 When you are being spat at for doing your best in difficult circumstances , it is hard not to become spiky and defensive .
28 However , Lindstedt cautions that such visual behaviour as peering closely at the work being undertaken by no means offers a complete solution to the problems arising from the need to work at close range .
29 And , I do n't know , it seems that actually you 've got a very good sense of using all those traditions to inform things that happen , things that you do and erm you 're not locked in being regarded as in that sort of tradition and the pressures that result from that .
30 This decision , and its reasoning , is still being relied on in the growing number of tax-diversion cases that are currently coming before the inferior courts in England and Scotland , and it has most recently been affirmed as decisive by the High Court once more , in Boulton v.
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