Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Jonathan Thomas Carr felt offended by what he considered was the ugly and tasteless housing being erected in the London suburbs , so he produced a scheme to create a garden suburb of Houses without basements , and of character within reach of people with moderate means , yet at the same time , retaining existing trees wherever possible .
2 Once assembled , the details were passed through a multiple drum-sanding machine and sent for staining and polishing before being erected in the carriage .
3 This bout of ‘ insanity ’ led to his being placed in a padded cell .
4 Another early problem was to uncurl a twist in the fuselage due to the skins having been removed without the airframe being placed in a jig .
5 The recommendation following upon an assessment might result in a child with a hearing disability being placed in a local primary school rather than in a special unit for children who are deaf or partially hearing .
6 Most young girls of 25 would turn pale at the idea of being placed in a small Bolivian village where electricity and running water are next on the list of forthcoming attractions after sliced bread .
7 Most young girls of 25 would turn pale at the idea of being placed in a small Bolivian village where electricity and running water are next on the list of forthcoming attractions after sliced bread .
8 At a more analytical level , these micro-observations are being placed in a series of broader contexts .
9 In contrast , Jones ( 1989 ) argued that " only the most myopic enthusiasts for parent power can believe that this constituency [ the total number of 100,000 parent-governors ] will , by being placed in a quasi-market situation , automatically start operating as agents of that system " .
10 Ivor Stokle , 34 , a quantity surveyor , told a hushed Bristol Crown Court how he and his girlfriend , Mrs Pauline Leyshon , 43 , were kidnapped at knifepoint from a bungalow , beaten and bound before being placed in a blazing car which was pushed off a hillside .
11 The Advertiser was continuing to lose council advertising , Mr Isdale added , and public notices were now being placed in a recently established council newsletter .
12 In this case the mother submitted to the judge that to order the removal of the child from the United Kingdom back to Canada would expose him to a grave risk of being placed in an intolerable situation .
13 The whole problem of gainers and losers has been complicated in the early 1990s by the fall in property prices which may cause many to feel that they are paying too much tax , as a result of being placed in an unduly high ‘ band ’ .
14 According to the Bible , Samuel 1:5 , the Ark was desecrated by being placed in the Temple of Dagan , and Samson destroyed both the temple and the statue of the god in retribution before dying there himself .
15 Eventually he was rewarded for his long and faithful service by being placed in the heavens as the constellation of Aquarius .
16 If this area is not available an alternative pavilion is specially set apart to the south or north of the temple , the stone or wood being placed in the centre of this structure and worshipped with flowers and various other offerings .
17 Under the banner of industrial democracy various changes have been proposed in the structure of the organisation , decision-making and ownership of companies , involving things such as compulsory councils and co-determination at the shop-floor level , the representation of workers on the board , and most recently ( in Sweden and Holland ) the setting up of a union-controlled wage-earners ' fund by capitalising a percentage of pretax profits , with the newly issued shares being placed in the fund and used to acquire interests in other companies and to supplement wages in the lowest-paid jobs .
18 Initially parents need to learn to smile and look or touch their child when food is being placed in the child 's mouth and also for chewing and swallowing ( McGuinn Koepke and Thyer 1985 ) .
19 Progressive versus non-progressive disorders — The diagnostic groups were broadly classified into progressive and non-progressive disorders ( table II ) , stroke patients being placed in the second group for analysis .
20 At the same time schools are being placed in the front line of accountability by the proposal to give headteachers and governors direct control of budgets and the opportunity to opt out of LEA control .
21 Their development is strengthened , not weakened , by being placed in the proximity of other disciplines under the epistemic umbrella offered by the university ( and its sister institutions ) .
22 No station was allowed to take a prize in the same class for more than two successive years , but if a station which had done so was deemed worthy of being placed in the same class in a third year , it received a special first-class certificate but no money .
23 Last year he took part in the London race along with 27,000 others , being placed in the top six per cent at number 1,442 .
24 The rats eventually managed to press the lever very quickly after being placed in the box , in order to receive their reward .
25 A EUROPEAN ruling today pushed Britain closer to being placed in the dock over the killing by SAS soldiers in Gibraltar of three IRA terrorists .
26 She told the council 's cemeteries and crematorium consultative committee she was a regular visitor and the items being placed in the chapel of remembrance made it look like a shop display .
27 The judge , who criticised the police for the way they conducted their inquiry , read out a note from the jury : ‘ We believe Sheffield social services department are partly to blame for Mr and Mrs Hanby being placed in the predicament they are in today ’ .
28 When the second national curriculum was being formulated in the 1980s , this tradition was in retreat .
29 Benredjeb gave former WBC champion Hodkinson a few problems before being stopped in the eighth round of a European featherweight title challenge in December 1989 .
30 Other ways we find bands include : ( a ) being recognized in the industry as a company that is worth approaching ( managers with new artists drop in to play a tape to me or any of the other A&R people ) ; ( b ) demo tapes ( they all get heard eventually , but to get your tape picked out of the pile for special attention is difficult ) ; ( c ) seeing them play live on the London circuit .
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