Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] out at " in BNC.

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1 Could it be that there was then more racism in the art world , and that Black artists were being squeezed out at just the time when young working-class artists from the British provinces were finding unprecedented and immediate public fortune ?
2 Some of the most exciting and practical research in electrical , electronic , fibre optic and communications engineering is being carried out at London 's Kings College .
3 Experiments are being carried out at Cambridge on a wheat-rye hybrid known as Triticale , which , it is hoped will have the growing and ripening qualities of rye and the baking qualities of wheat .
4 That 's your job and the Franks Report shows that the function was not being carried out at all .
5 Although it was being carried out at Winnington , home of ICI 's Alkali Division , it was being sponsored in part by the company 's dyestuffs interests , in the hope that it might provide new routes to organic chemicals used as intermediates .
6 In other words , will workers in the future be increasingly herded together in large factories or offices belonging to even larger corporations or will there be a shift towards work being carried out at a more local level within small groups , perhaps operating as independent companies , partnerships , or co-operatives ?
7 Much of the work is being carried out at IBM 's UK Labs in Hursley Park , Hampshire .
8 There is very little we know about these processes although several studies are being carried out at present .
9 The work is being carried out at Palazzo Abatellis , Palermo , under the supervision of the local Soprintendenza .
10 The first German event ( until 17 January 1993 ) reflects current research being carried out at ARC [ Animation/Recherche/Confrontation ] .
11 ABOVE Restoration of a temple being carried out at Petra .
12 An investigation is being carried out at the moment , not only by Her Majesty 's inspectorate of pollution but by the National Rivers Authority .
13 For example a great deal of work is being carried out at present on the re-structuring of our training courses with a view to safe guarding the status of our Examination Award and gaining future exemption from lengthy in-service training for newly-qualified teachers .
14 Some of the studies being carried out at Henley are being sponsored by a group of clients with a common need .
15 The third one focusing in specifically on the combat modelling is what is known as a C O E I A which is a combined operational effectiveness and investment appraisal and this work is being carried out at Farnborough and we 're comparing in single roles and multi-role Eurofighter two thousand against different aircraft .
16 Eighty two staff at the Sainsbury 's supermarket on Tewkesbury Road in Cheltenham have contracted what 's thought to be a virus infection that causes fever , aches and vomiting.They 've all been sent home , and staff from other stores have been drafted in to keep the supermarket open.Tests are being carried out at the public health laboratory in the town to identify the illness.But Cheltenham 's Assistant Chief Environmental health officer says shoppers at the store should n't be worried about the outbreak :
17 An investigation is now being carried out at Weston Favell police station .
18 Checks are being carried out at hospitals , hotels and police stations after designer Roy Dingley , 36 , failed to return from his holiday last weekend .
19 ‘ It also fits in with work being carried out at other research centres .
20 A traffic survey is being carried out at Sappers Corner , an accident blackspot on the outskirts of Hartlepool , and it has raised hopes that improvement works may be carried out by Cleveland County Council .
21 Richmondshire District Council 's recreation committee has agreed to give up to £100 to urgent repairs being carried out at the memorial hall , Middleton Tyas , near Richmond .
22 Urgent repair work is being carried out at Pickering 's 19th century memorial hall after heavy rain brought down part of the ceiling .
23 The third , by the Health and Safety Executive , is being carried out at Birmingham University and will consider the neuro-physiological effects of OP poisoning .
24 The work is being carried out at Britain 's first centre for research into the economic value of drugs , based at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School , Dundee .
25 A CRS spokesman said recruitment was being carried out at Birkenhead Job Centre .
26 this is being carried out at site level so more details can be given .
27 She was grumbling about being called out at such a late hour .
28 In many missionary fields these days , political and economic upheaval can result in the missionary being driven out at any time .
29 That being the case , the breeze she felt was probably being caused by air which had got in at low tide being forced out at high tide .
30 Seems if they really want to study erosion then they should go watch all the bagfuls of ‘ pretty ’ rocks being taken out at Diamond Creek .
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