Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 George frowned sharply , irritated at being stopped just as he was getting well into his stride .
2 It is neither complete nor authoritative — the family of Forsey , to take just one small example , being listed separately as Forterishey , Fortersley , and Fortryshey without cross reference , attempt to verify a definitive spelling , or verification of blazon — but it is almost the only generally available starting point , and can not be ignored .
3 Indeed it probably encouraged them , though it must never be forgotten that for every nursemaid or gardener who lived out their lives in the service of one family there were a hundred country girls who passed briefly through the household to pregnancy , marriage or another job , being treated merely as yet another instance of that ‘ servant problem ’ which filled the conversations of their mistresses .
4 Certainly , attempts to read the poem at a wholly symbolic level with the violence being explained away as allegorical representations of abstract moral conflicts ignore the great deal of interest the poem shows in history , particularly Spenser 's contemporary history .
5 But it was this very exploitation — the fact , for example , that immigrant workers had to live in the deprived and decaying areas of big cities because of the proximity of their jobs to these areas , which led to their being regarded increasingly as undesirable .
6 Top : These roses have been placed in a pot of water prior to being pressed gradually as the petals open .
7 Mm , it is , but it 's still not being done well as
8 These take a variety of forms and are thus difficult to summarize ; basically statistical properties are measured whilst some condition is fulfilled , such as the velocity being above some level , the velocity varying particularly rapidly , or different velocity components being related so as to make a large contribution to the Reynolds stress .
9 They are preparing a new bid but meanwhile homeless men are already being turned away as staff have been told to run down the unit ready for closure on March 31 .
10 Relief operations in the wake of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait [ see pp. 37631-41 ; 37697 ; 37988 ] were considered to be only marginally the concern of the UNHCR , being seen primarily as the evacuation of third-party nationals to their home countries , rather than the repatriation of refugees .
11 If you have a high need to maintain the relationship and a low need to get what you want , you may decide the most appropriate strategy is smoothing , i.e. you agree with what is being said so as not to cause trouble .
12 Confusion was compounded by local guidebooks and publications , the western stream being named therein as Kingsdale Beck with some justification , since it is a continuation of the stream of that name in its higher reaches ; and the Twiss/Doe/Greta now appeared in print as Dale Beck .
13 The pervasive influence of the ICC is being felt again as TCCB rules on short pitched bowling come into line with ICC ones .
14 He heard the front door being opened even as he unfolded the cloth and began to read .
15 It was held in Attorney General v Tod Heatley , however , that an owner of land has a common law duty to prevent it being used so as to amount to a public nuisance .
16 The NARAL advertisement is an example of nonsexist language being used apparently as the norm , but in reality to make a point , to make people think of women in a context where ordinarily they might not ( as the inheritors of constitutional rights ) .
17 Newcomers — especially such crucial ones as the Chairman — were being inspected carefully as the jigsaw of the company began to fall into place .
18 Most traditional Italian dances are performed to a 3/4 or 6/8 time signature , the tarantella or salterello being recognised everywhere as being the most typical of the country as a whole .
19 Speaking after the hearing , investigating officer Pc Harry Sexton of Chelmsford Traffic Police revealed the men were caught after a three-month investigation which culminated in seven search warrants being executed simultaneously as 24 officers swooped on the three vehicles .
20 Speaking after the hearing , investigating officer Pc Harry Sexton of Chelmsford Traffic Police revealed the men were caught after a three-month investigation which culminated in seven search warrants being executed simultaneously as 24 officers swooped on the three vehicles .
21 Investment criteria that are applied as a matter of course to every other company are in danger of being abandoned completely as the institutions face the prospect of being sucked in by the Government 's subtle propaganda .
22 Tired of being known only as Kylie Minogue 's long-suffering screen mum , Anne Charleston is treading the boards to prove she has other strings to her bow .
23 The Lord Chancellor has made it clear on the front of that document that they have been issued before being finalised so as to facilitate discussion .
24 The need for data is not restricted to this start-up period , for new data are being generated continuously as roads and towns are built , and as the population changes both in size and constitution ( due to births , deaths and disease ) and spatial location ( due to migration ) .
25 Fair American 's genoa is being ground home as speed builds , after the leeward mark .
26 On being intruded briefly as vicar of Duxford late in 1646 he had been labelled ‘ a godly and orthodox divine ’ .
27 Further , from the time of an announcement of an auction until 28 days after it has been held , the Bank observes a fallow period during which it does not sell stock of a similar type to that being auctioned so as not to be seen to be depressing the price .
28 Pneumonic signs have rarely been observed , and infections are almost always inapparent , being identified only as necropsy .
29 Today , cynics would say that a building contract never has the chance of being put away as disputes start from the moment it comes into operation .
30 Many bright ideas — and failed ideas looking for a second lease on life — are being put forward as ways of converting weapon-grade plutonium into a form too awkward for the weapon-minded to bother with .
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