Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 The UK polytechnics have performed a signal service to higher education by showing how professional education can be developed , with practice being placed firmly in a framework of systematic intellectual exploration .
2 The fish was revived by being placed back in the water , and literally given an underwater lip-to-lip kiss of life …
3 They 've changed it again as well , now , now instead of the er , the white ball being placed anywhere in the anywhere behind the black line at the top .
4 The Stanley Powerlock , the world 's best-selling pocket measuring tape , is being given away in miniature to help keep house , car and office keys easily to hand .
5 By 1913–14 , over £25,000 was being given away in this manner and in return the Central Office agents were able to ensure the appointment of suitable constituency agents and the choice of good candidate The outlay constituted only about a tenth of the whole of the local parties " expenditure , but a much higher proportion of the expenditure of the backward parties most in need of reform .
6 Conference , young people especially need to be informed , as free samples are being given out in schools and colleges , and often the family of these young girls are unaware that their daughters are using these products even doctors and hospital staff fail to ask the question when these cases are admitted , are you using tampons ?
7 Consequently herbs were simply not part of the garden scene , being tucked away in an odd corner of the vegetable garden , or grown half-heartedly in pots or window-boxes , where they became aphid-ridden and dusty .
8 As she talked at her home in St Albans , Herts , of her ‘ very special daughter ’ the full horrifying details of how Elizabeth and her best friend Julie Godwin , also 30 , of Spratton , Northants , were brutally raped then murdered was being pieced together in South Africa .
9 Ironically , it was the eventual failure of the gas engine that led to the introduction of electrical power , the wheel finally going out of use in 1962 and sadly , being broken up in 1964 .
10 Raw muck and slurry can burn young plants and even slow down plant growth whilst it is being broken down in the soil .
11 tha that 's because the iron is er being broken down in the body .
12 Eyes down again to the book , he went on , ‘ All sharpened staves for use in traps ( and also spears and arrows ) can be hardened to increase their powers of penetration by being charred lightly in hot embers , a process which tightens and toughens the wood fibres . ’ ’
13 The organisation must ensure that employees believe that they are being treated fairly in comparison with others .
14 Of the other three , Port Erin had to wait 58 years for its lifeboat station , being formed only in 1882 , while those suggested for Jurby and Laxey never materialised .
15 ‘ Words like ‘ national security ’ and ‘ Official Secrets Act ’ are being bandied around in my hearing and I do n't like them very much .
16 By 1953 the name of James Dean was being bandied about in theatre circles .
17 Again , then , we find our ‘ abnormality ’ being explained ultimately in terms of our impairment , which qualifies us for admission to an unavoidably disadvantaged category of people .
18 that the swimming pool was being filled up in the
19 She could not believe her eyes when she saw the Tillers being marched off in the crocodile line to the English Girls ' Club after rehearsals .
20 As it turned out , the principal had caught the other boys , and they were all being marched back in the front door of the school , but Mouse did n't know that .
21 Leslie was disturbed to hear of this latest small trauma : ‘ It distresses me , ’ he wrote , ‘ to think of you being chivvied about in the way you are ; after all , the army supports me , and when it moves me thinks a wee bit about me .
22 This is being undertaken mainly in London but also partly in non-metropolitan centres and in Scotland .
23 It was discarded when shelving had to be cleared away from a wall on which a mural had been discovered after being painted over in the Stalinist era when the artist who created it had fallen out of favour .
24 Hollywood was scared , not simply because of the threat to personal life and limb , but by the implications being meted out in the press which followed two distinct inferences : first that Polanski through his and his dead friends ' involvement with drugs had brought this tragedy upon his own house , and , second , that the ‘ new ’ Hollywood in general must accept some guilt through its current fascination with violence , drugs , sex and the lifestyle of what appeared — in the eyes of the establishment — to be a mortally sick section of society .
25 First being patched up in hospital , then giving statements to the police , having Jamie arrested … he got home at six o'clock in the morning Hong Kong time and had the heart attack . ’
26 They have no explanation to offer apart from the speculation that there might be an incompatibility between the two sources of latent inhibition allowed by Wagner 's account , with the short-term version being developed only in conditions that preclude the development of the associative version .
27 After staring around and grunting a lot , Spunk reflexively saved a drunken girl from being roughed up in a sidewalk fracas outside a singles ' bar .
28 The fire brigade was unable to estimate the expense of each call , but helpfully points out that where the cost of malicious false alarms is being claimed back in court , the normal figure is £97.50 an appliance .
29 And she insisted on being chauffeured round in a Daimler — just like the Queen .
30 If a particular human is capable of handling the proper aspects of a gadget , which must include mental knowledge of its place in the Machine of Evolution , then it is possible to use it as an aid , but as there are increasing numbers of gadgets being invented and marketed , so the human brain has no time and space to see these in relation to its own life/thought scale because , upon being born , the human is thrown immediately into a multi-armed and legged wrestling match with levers , wires , buttons and switches and fails to grasp the meaning of it all , being occupied totally in rushing to partially master the use of one before the marketeers rush in faster with 10 new gleaming diversions .
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