Example sentences of "[being] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The typical social representation is said to have originated from an abstract , technical concept : ‘ Social representations generally come into being during transformations of this kind , whether by an intervention of the mass media or by the act of individuals ’ ( Moscovici , 1984 : 964 ) .
2 The pilots were dismayed , for they had no kit with them , all being aboard ship with the ground party , bound for Egypt .
3 iii Planned segregation in an integrated unit Borders regional council have a policy of designating one unit in their new group unit homes as being for people with mild to moderate dementia .
4 Because of the integral parts played by Mind and consciousness , it seems that any purely mechanistic description of the origins of life and the physical universe , is doomed to failure , for it ignores the manner by which the physical creation and physical bodies come into being as expressions of Mind and consciousness .
5 At the beginning of her Preface to Divine Songs and Meditacions , Collins claims she undertook to write : ‘ Being through weakness to the house confin'd/My mental powers seeming long to sleep ’ .
6 It was decided to include mainly the fourth year pupils that each school defined as being below average in attainment in mathematics , that is , the lowest 50 per cent of pupils rounded up to a complete set .
7 Elsewhere in his speech Gladstone specifically referred to the long runs of periodicals in the library as being of interest to him as he could not keep them in his own library .
8 Apart from perhaps being of interest to people who make a lot of overseas telephone calls , and need to know what time it is in New York when its ' 11am in London , for example , this program would seem to be very limited in its usefulness .
9 Apart from perhaps being of interest to people who make a lot of overseas telephone calls , and need to know what time it is in New York when its ' 11am in London , for example , this program would seem to be very limited in its usefulness .
10 it isolates action as being of interest in itself in a way that does not occur either in dramatic playing or performing .
11 Similarly , the girls in the scheme could hardly fail to be aware of eyes on them , and of their success in mathematics being of importance to significant others .
12 Pemberton only 2 bookings away from suspension after coming to leeds with 8 points ( One of the bookings being against leeds at elland rd ) and picking up bookings in his first two games .
13 This mutation takes two forms , which have little or nothing in common except the need or desire to control state policy : national separatism and national xenophobia , which means being against foreigners by setting up ‘ our ’ own state , and being against them by excluding them from ‘ our ’ already existing state .
14 In addition to these defects , there is another reason why merely being against cruelty to animals is not enough .
15 This process of de-skilling all types of work is supercharged by computer scientists who were described by Weizenbaum as " being like children with a hammer who view the whole world as a nail . "
16 It is found that its direction of polarisation has been changed on traversing the crystal from being along x to being along y .
17 She had to admit , however , that the main reason that she had phoned the Symses and answered their appeal so promptly was that it took her out of the house , and away from the strain of being with Mark in public while the incident of the night before still divided them .
18 I had come home late from being with friends on Christmas Eve .
19 Throgmorton , who surveyed the area after Falconer 's body had been discovered , found no trace of any such slip or , indeed , of anyone else being with Falconer on the top of the tower . ’
20 The dancing bees danced with respect to gravity ; the spectators , whose ocelli were unpainted , interpreted the dance as being with respect to the light bulb .
21 In the eighteen-forties , the department stores really came into being with places like Debenham and Freebodys and Selfridges , where everything could be purchased under one roof , which made things much easier .
22 He had never found it easy to get up in the morning , and being under sentence of death did not make the prospect of a new day any more enticing .
23 The Old Testament bears frequent witness to Israel 's sense of being under attack from her God , and being brought by him to the verge of extinction .
24 Despite representing a normally staunch Democrat state , being under investigation by a host of law enforcement agencies for various instances of corruption and abuse of power and tarred with The Bush Factor Thing , this abrasive native Noo Yawker was running neck and neck with his Democrat rival , attorney-general Robert Abrams .
25 James Jeffrey , 50 , Charles Smith , 50 , and Kevin Thorn , 33 , were arrested in November 1990 after being under surveillance for several months .
26 Spain , for instance , being under obedience to Rome paid prompt heed to the bull of Gregory III ; but Russia , under the rule of the Orthodox Church , did not adopt the New Style until the early twentieth century .
27 For one skate , on loan , to go round the block ( a distance of perhaps 500 yards ) the cost was one penny ; for two skates , two pennies ; any kid who took longer than 10 minutes ( thus being under suspicion of going further ) would be fined another two pence — or punched on the nose .
28 ‘ It 's like being under fire in war .
29 In some countries , at certain times , the consensus has been anti-inflationary : this has generally been the case in Germany , although the ‘ independent ’ Bundesbank has not prevented inflation being above 5% in eight of the last 20 years , quite apart from the monetary difficulties of German Monetary Union .
30 Where a girl was in the front passenger seat and leaned across controlling the steering wheel with both hands , being within reach of the ignition and the hand brake .
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