Example sentences of "do feel " in BNC.

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1 My head did n't hurt at all , although it did feel a bit light .
2 I hope we did feel truly grateful for our merciful preservation …
3 Likewise Caroline Bynum , in Holy Feast , Holy Fast , her book about medieval women religious , pours a rigorous historian 's scorn on the idea that the extreme penitential fastings of some of these women can really be diagnosed as anorexic , or as any other sort of neurosis ( as proposed for example by Rudolph Bell in Holy Anorexia ) : not merely are the case histories inadequate , but these women 's understanding of their bodies , of their relationship to Christ , of their right to participate in his sufferings , of their sense of identity , their very selves , was formed in a social environment so different from our own that nothing is to be gained by reading off their lives in this way rather than exploring in proper detail what it was they did feel and think .
4 Caused by a dispute with the film 's producers over money , it 's sorted out now , but Broderick confesses that he did feel angry .
5 It was awful , because although I 'd worn the dress all day , and stuck up for myself , I did feel bad about it ; they made me feel bad , sort of guilty , as if I was showing off my body .
6 I really did feel very left out , and left out of something important , a feeling I 'd had before .
7 By the time I went to college , I did feel more confident .
8 I did feel I had to live up to certain expectations , but even more than I wanted , for myself , to do the best work that I was capable of . ’
9 I did feel comprehensively dreadful .
10 It 's true that I did feel that way at the time .
11 The feeling swept over me that I had truly left Darlington Hall behind , and I must confess I did feel a slight sense of alarm — a sense aggravated by the feeling that I was perhaps not on the correct road at all , but speeding off in totally the wrong direction into a wilderness .
12 Because what she thought she felt was what she actually did feel and she said it , loud and clear and everyone else could go and fuck themselves .
13 However most of those for whom we had relevant information did feel strain , often considerable , and often very acute .
14 Generally , most of the men did feel some guilt and disliked fiddling , but said , ‘ I do n't like it but I have to ’ .
15 I neither looked like John Wayne , nor sounded like him , but I did feel like him .
16 I felt no great surge of power , energy , nor even warmth , but I did feel soothed , relaxed but above all moved .
17 I really did feel like a Queen for a moment , well , even longer when I found it was not a flash in the pan , but that they were really going to stay with us .
18 Somehow , though , we did feel better as we filed out at the end of the service and made our way down to the river .
19 But I did feel out of touch and missed what was often a superficial but nevertheless very sustaining daily relationship . ’
20 He said the CSM did feel it right to act at the end of 1981 as there was not enough information available .
21 Even so , I did feel an enormous sense of anti-climax in the 200 metres heats and semi-finals ; I had not been through this in the Commonwealth Games because of my injury , and my lack of experience showed .
22 Bina who never dreamed — Bina whose moods they all dismissed as ‘ adolescence ’ — Bina who they 'd trained not to let on what she really felt , who did n't even know what she did feel — that same Bina had a dream each night , and she wrote down every single word of it so that it would tell her how to be different , be real , really be .
23 Breeze did n't worry about the shoes , because she knew Felicity could get plenty more ; but she did feel sorry for the feet inside them .
24 But it did feel peaceful , as though , even shielded against him , she could feel the aura of happiness that surrounded him … .
25 He did feel faint .
26 And she did feel good .
27 He did feel a little hot , but the schoolroom was stifling , so it was hardly surprising .
28 My hair is really short so I do n't actually have to style it but it did feel better and I would use this conditioner again . ’
29 And no matter what Ruth said , she did feel sick .
30 However , he tells us , he did feel compelled to defend the good name of accountants .
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