Example sentences of "do make " in BNC.

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1 John even goes as far as to boast that The Borrowers is breaking new ground : ‘ In fact , some of the things we can now do make the special effects in Star Wars look prehistoric . ’
2 The things you have to do make it progressively more and more difficult for you to really get around and see what 's going on in your factories .
3 When Dad hires Shelly DeVoto ( Jamie Lee Curtis ) to do make up on his dead clients and starts to fancy her , Vada wonders where she stands in her father 's affections .
4 Yet , writing half a century later , Sir John Fortescue recognised that Henry V had been right : ‘ though we have not alwey werre uppon the see , yet it shalbe nescessarie that the kynge [ Edward IV ] have alway some ffloute apon the see , ffor the repressynge off rovers , savynge off owre marchauntes , owre ffishers , and the dwellers uppon owre costes ; and that the kynge kepe alway some grete and myghty vessels , ffor the brekynge off an armye when any shall be made ayen hym apon the see ; ffor thanne it shall be to late to do make such vessailles ’ .
5 Are there any members who wish to do make declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in respects of items on the agenda for this meeting .
6 Do make sure the method you employ against fleas will also work against ticks .
7 Latecomers , however , do make life difficult — and unnecessarily expensive .
8 THAT governments do make a difference is an important presumption of free competitive elections .
9 One school , led by S. E. Finer , claims that the parties do make a difference and that , because parties have become more partisan , this is regrettable .
10 If you 're going to have a bet on the Derby , do make sure you understand the system
11 ‘ Our views are not sought and when we do make our views known , they are not interested in reporting them . ’
12 It 's the sort of will young women without husbands or children do make .
13 Even if you do make the highest offer for any particular item , the auctioneer can hand it over to another , friendlier-looking buyer instead .
14 Now do make yourself useful , Bumface , and open the bubbly .
15 But some countries can and do make the stuff — Brazil for one uses alcohol/diesel and alcohol/petrol mixes , and the USA has had ‘ gasohol ’ ( petrol with 10% ethanol ) for some years .
16 Whereas very many Empiricks and unskilful and ignorant Men … do abide in our City of London … which are not well instructed in the Art of Mystery of Apothecaries , but … do make and compound many unwholesome , hurtful , deceiptful , corrupt and dangerous medicines and the same do sell … and daily transmit … to the great peril and daily hazard of the lives of our subjects …
17 We do make a great deal of fuss when children fail to match our expectations particularly when standards of behaviour are concerned .
18 Do make sure that you retain the right to sell soft drinks and refreshments , these are far easier to manage and provide a good ratio of profit to outlay .
19 Rather surprisingly , quite a lot of them do make happy and successful marriages — though their wives have to be pretty understanding .
20 So gentlemen readers : do make sure that anything you put inside a woman is clean .
21 Surely , however , the women who do make the transition from the grant-aided sector to the mainstream bring with them a history of political and creative experience which must make itself felt in the long run ?
22 Similarly you do make the attempt and gradually refine the questions to a point where you for a week or more .
23 The important point is that you do make the attempt and gradually refine the questions to a point where you are reasonably satisfied with the answers .
24 But do make sure that your head is supported .
25 Thirdly , we recognise that managers , however , certainly at the strategic level , do make significant use of the formal publicly available information resource .
26 We would argue then , that knowledge workers , distinct from most managers , do make significant use of external publicly available information sources .
27 If the contractions can not make up their mind about starting or not , that is they come and go and labour is not properly established , take one dose of Pulsatilla 200 every 2 hours until the contractions do make up their mind .
28 And Broad and Wade do make clear that the frauds detected in science are opportunism , not some formal process of falsification — an important corrective to the public image of science as a rigorously self-verifying mechanism .
29 Nuclear power stations do make tempting military or terrorist targets , as the sabotage at South Africa 's first nuclear power station at Koeberg near Cape Town at the end of last year clearly showed .
30 What should become apparent is that , while companies do make substantial financial contributions , a more important contribution they can make is expertise and management skills . ’
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