Example sentences of "[pn reflx] down in the " in BNC.

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1 He pitched forward , throwing himself down in the glutinous mud , covering his head with his hands as Farrell replied , bullets slicing through the air and singing above the prone man 's body , missing him , it seemed , by mere inches .
2 He threw himself down in the chair , like a man beset by demons .
3 Tina would have plumped herself down in the nearest seat even if this had been next to a passenger but Cecilia , conforming to usage , sat in the emptiest area of the coach , on the platform side with her back to the window .
4 Billie , now having accepted Jenny as someone who could be trusted , settled herself down in the rear , albeit cramped , and spent most of the flight asleep .
5 She did not like flying and the mental energy involved in getting through the ordeal without flinging herself down in the aisle and drumming her heels was considerable .
6 She pushed herself down in the bed , as if trying to escape accusing glances .
7 Gillroy and Davies hit the roof several times before managing to strap themselves down in the cabin , where all they could do was sit ashen-faced and pray .
8 Birmingham Polytechnic offer all their facilities absolutely free of charge to us so get yourself down in the entertainment bar in Aston .
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