Example sentences of "[pn reflx] on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They forget that it is ‘ we ’ — or ourselves on a good day , ‘ society ’ as we call it — who understand that punishment is appropriate .
2 We were already congratulating ourselves on a smooth and successful ascent , but you must beware .
3 And so it was that on the first Monday after New Year , about midnight , we found ourselves on an icy road in County Cavan heading for the checkpoint , having just driven up from Dun Laoghaire , where we had disembarked from the Holyhead ferry .
4 On the day arrangements went smoothly and we were settling ourselves on the 1220 ex Llangollen when Colin appeared in person , having done his work in the small hours and put our visit ahead of his sleep !
5 Finally , helped by a rope suspended from the cliff top , we found ourselves on the central plateau .
6 I start musing on how it is we do find ourselves on the same side .
7 He must therefore satisfy himself on a regular basis that it does not constitute a statutory nuisance .
8 The death at the weekend of Siho Iyiguven , who threw himself on a burning mattress at Harmondsworth detention centre , near Heathrow , was followed yesterday with further suicide threats by detainees who barricaded themselves into their dormitory .
9 When a character steps through the ever-changing arch , he finds himself on a narrow pathway through a forest of bizarre trees .
10 But even before it came to public notice earlier this year , poor Mr Engholm was having to struggle to impose himself on a fractious party .
11 So for the tourists to take 20 wickets was a feat worthy of note , particularly as they were without David Lawrence , their one bowler of genuine hostility , after he suffered a side strain while flogging himself on a lifeless strip at Napier a week before the Test .
12 He spoke as man to men , dominating them with his prestige , without trying to put himself on a lower level , as do those who form a false picture of the people .
13 When Nails had the refrigerator factory to himself on a warm summer evening he felt amazingly content .
14 Haile Selassie seated himself on a crimson throne , and shortly afterwards the Empress took her place on a smaller throne .
15 On his way home to Philibert Place one day , Marco wanders through an alley to waste ground where a hunchbacked boy pushing himself on a makeshift trolley is reading to his ragged companions from a newspaper — about Samavia .
16 But that does n't put Tommaso himself on a straight path .
17 Francisco worked in Admin , but occasionally he doubled as a barman , and he did n't have to explain that he had cut himself on a broken glass .
18 He prides himself on a forthright nature and says he has asked more questions than any other MP in the House .
19 At one point Blake found himself on a main street and saw two policemen outside a baker 's shop .
20 However most practitioners of literary stylistics , including Halliday himself on a later occasion ( Halliday 1971 ) , would insist on supplementing the comparative approach just described with some kind of functional analysis — analysis , that is , that asks what the language of a text does , how it contributes to the meaning and effect of the whole .
21 ‘ I suddenly feel old , Dexter , ’ she shouted , paddling through the crowd towards Eddy Russell , who sat by himself on a huge mahogany settle on the right of the door .
22 In these early stages of re-training , the horse can be expected to keep in rhythm while doing basic school movements , carrying himself on a light contact .
23 Karelius had stationed himself on the right flank , a little to the rear of those in the very forefront .
24 Simon had put Ben onto his lead so that he did n't run back down to the beach and cut himself on the rusty barbed wire .
25 Cassie wondered hazily whether in Johnny 's book it would be considered all right to force himself on the other sort of girl , whoever she may be !
26 William Hurt is the medic of the title , an eminent surgeon who finds himself on the other edge of the scalpel when he becomes seriously ill .
27 The horse hurt himself on the first jump and despite leading for much of the way round never really mastered the race .
28 So much so that he spent fully eight years in a succession of colleges before throwing himself on the tender mercies of the world .
29 It simply did not , and does not , offer a framework on which to hang a convincing story … the geographer , when he analyses the material properties of the man-environment systems , must base himself on the central functions of that system , rather than on the traditional divisions of physical geography .
30 Conflicts with his superiors deprived him of the prospect of promotion , and at the age of twenty-five he found himself on the retired list , reduced to half pay in 1812 .
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