Example sentences of "[pn reflx] out of the " in BNC.

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1 We can not hope to compete with the big stores for plain , cheap knitwear — they can buy their yarn at much better prices than we can and when we add costing for our time we price ourselves out of the market .
2 We had to do something to get ourselves out of the situation .
3 And all was well , as everyone could see when big , proud , handsome and scatty-but-obedient Moby launched himself out of the car ( on command , of course ! ) for the video cover photo call .
4 We recall that in the notebooks Dostoevsky has Raskolnikov reflect upon his crime and declare he had to commit it to achieve moral development and get himself out of the mess he was in .
5 As well take to kissing Bruce Davidson good-night , he told himself , and got himself out of the door on this thought .
6 He grasped the forestay in both hands as high up as he could reach and drew himself out of the water and on to the forward hull beam as smoothly as a dolphin breaking for air .
7 Eventually , Joicey cornered him , and in desperation , the keeper threw himself out of the nearest open window ; landing ten feet below , with a badly sprained arm and sore head .
8 said Billy , and heaved himself out of the chair with difficulty .
9 Mansell managed to negotiate himself out of the best car in Formula One , despite winning the world championship for the first time .
10 Will the criminal have to climb down from the roof ( in which case he ca n't take a lot with him ) , or can he go downstairs and let himself out of the house ?
11 He again eased himself out of the narrow space of the breakfast nook and went over to the kitchen counter , looked at the parcel and looked at his wife , who was now almost hysterical : He decided that he must be courageous and investigate , so he unwound the paper towels , picked up the books one by one and read their titles .
12 The much-travelled Allison , 65 , coaching consultant and now caretaker-manager of Division One 's bottom club , immediately ruled himself out of the job full-time .
13 Argyle player-manager Shilton ruled himself out of the hiding-to-nothing trip with a groin strain .
14 Whittingham joined Pompey four years ago after buying himself out of the Army for £450 .
15 He made nothing for himself out of the plunder of the Church lands .
16 He let himself out of the front door and when he was beyond the shelter of the porch he felt the sting of rain on his cheeks .
17 Erlich let himself out of the room .
18 Daniel levered himself out of the sofa and stood up .
19 Duncan let himself out of the car as Myeloski walked round to him .
20 The Major eased himself out of the saddle , slid heavily to the ground , and tied his horse to the inn 's signpost .
21 Now , flinching at the soreness in his thighs , he eased himself out of the saddle .
22 And a much more substantial prospect is to be found in continental Europe , where the German worker is assiduously pricing himself out of the market — and far from the Ossies pricing themselves into jobs lost by the Wessies , the former East Germans are insisting on even more uneconomic wages in relation to their skills and capabilities .
23 Ca n't be certain , but it looks as if Allied Signal Corp chief executive Lawrence Bossidy has ruled himself out of the running for the top job at IBM Corp : he says that although he is ‘ flattered to be mentioned as a candidate for chairman of another company , I intend to remain at Allied-Signal to complete the job I came here to do . ’
24 Morton Meyerson , head of Perot Systems Corp , appears to have ruled himself out of the vacant post atop IBM Corp according to the New York Times : it reckons that RJR Nabisco Inc chief Louis Gerstner , who does not have a computer industry background , is now the only front-runner not to have ruled himself out .
25 Then , looking at the man as if he was so much dirt , he let himself out of the front door .
26 In the opening sequence the Poet is so concerned with the Friend and his future existence that he seems to write himself out of the picture .
27 There had been unsuccessful attempts even further south ; the unfortunate Raleigh got himself out of the Tower by promising to find James 1 a supply of gold in Guiana , but he found no gold and he irritated the Spanish so much that they pushed James into having him executed in 1618 on the 1604 charge of treason .
28 In time ‘ yeoman ’ came to mean primarily a farmer who had raised himself out of the ruck of common husbandman , ‘ such as be exempted out of the rascalitie of the popular bee called and written yeomen , as in the degree next vnto gentlemen ’ ; and while careful to avoid making wealth appear the sole criterion , Smith adds that ‘ these tende their owne businesse , come not to meddle in publike matters and iudgements but when they are called and glad when they are deliuered thereof ’ .
29 This charge against Latimer was almost certainly baseless , though it is more difficult to assess whether he had made undue profits for himself out of the campaign in Brittany .
30 The ex-250 world champion ( 1969 with Benelli ) had been with Yamaha for over 20 years but after the collapse of Giacomo Agostini 's 500 team , Carruthers found himself out of the heat of competition .
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