Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [adv prt] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 He proceeded , unchallenged , to the shuttle docks where he 'd previously concealed the identity backup so that he could pass himself off as a human shuttle-worker .
2 When war breaks out , he becomes separated from his relatives , but manages to survive the war by passing himself off as a German soldier of Aryan origin .
3 Of course , the only way out of his troubles would be to confess to someone that he was passing himself off as a Muslim for the purposes of financial gain .
4 A MAN passed himself off as a solicitor to get into a prison and beat up a prisoner accused of molesting his daughter , it was revealed today .
5 And he was still worrying about how to pass himself off as the long-dead Bard when police nicked him dithering outside a bank .
6 ‘ He 's admitted passing himself off as the Prince 's chef , and when his dastardly plan to assassinate His Royal Highness by poison did n't work , he kidnapped him .
7 But he emphasised that he would not put himself up as a challenger to Mrs Thatcher .
8 He has set himself up as a left-wing leader taking on the Government , ’ Mr Clarke said .
9 In recent years he has set himself up as a crusader for higher press and broadcasting standards , regularly harking back to the golden days of his journalistic apprenticeship in Yorkshire , where every fact was triple-checked and every speculation ruthlessly suppressed in the Hebden Bridge Times .
10 Ron Rooney objects to Dr Mitchell setting himself up as a moral censor ( Chem .
11 Courtney had set himself up as a pioneer working with women victims of sex abuse , drug addiction and Aids problems .
12 In 58 ‘ your slave ’ , ‘ your vassal ’ is ready to swallow any insult or neglect , the poem concluding : The second-person pronouns come so thick and fast here that we can not miss the bitter criticism of the Friend setting himself up as a law unto himself , becoming so entirely obsessed with his own pleasures that he betrays their relationship .
13 ‘ Another particularly odious corruption is the scholar who sets himself up as a unique authority on a certain painter , with the specific knowledge that , in cornering the market , his opinion will be essential for anyone dealing with works by that artist .
14 A correspondent for Cornhill Magazine , who claimed that in order to gain an inside understanding of ‘ The Science of Garotting ’ he had visited an experienced convict in his cell and offered himself up as a guinea-pig victim , described the main elements of this ‘ most inclement ruffianism that ever disgraced a nineteenth century ’ .
15 It 's not that he wishes to set himself up as a leader .
16 Leftwich moved to London and set himself up as a wholesale confectioner , with outlets in Fleet Street and Kingston upon Thames .
17 He set himself up as a one-man cult .
18 A self-confessed con-artist and charlatan , he used his ‘ nimbleness of wit ’ to set himself up as a quack doctor and an exorcist .
19 The dapper , 52-year-old economist with his trademark owlish glasses had set himself up as a beacon of the reform movement as long ago as April 1991 when he led his party out of government .
20 He sets himself up as the Father of the British Industry yet he does n't deliver the goods .
21 So , with one LP , Morrissey set himself up as the new Tom Robinson ?
22 Engineer and motorbike enthusiast Terence Bird has set himself up as the sole European importer of Nanchang bikes .
23 He had assured Lucille that he fought only because his pension would be jeopardized if he refused , but in truth he had wanted to know whether the old skills were still there or whether , like a cannon fired too fast and too often , he had simply worn himself out as a soldier .
24 A person who puts his own name on a product , thereby holding himself out as a producer , will be treated as a producer .
25 A retired solicitor will not be treated as continuing to hold himself out as a partner merely because he has neglected to ensure that revised letterheads are used by the firm from the date of his retirement , but there could be more of a problem when he has been party to a lease of partnership property and steps have not been taken to replace him as one of its lessees/trustees. ( e ) Sureties Section 18 of the Partnership Act contains a special provision which applies , in the absence of contrary agreement , whenever there is a change in the membership of a firm : A continuing guaranty or cautionary obligation given either to a firm or to a third person in respect of the transactions of a firm is , in the absence of agreement to the contrary , revoked as to future transactions by any change in the constitution of the firm to which , or of the firm in respect of transactions of which , the guaranty or obligation was given .
26 He would be well advised to insist on a written indemnity in that respect to cover both intentional and accidental holding out , and , as regards the latter , to cover his accidentally holding himself out as a partner so long as that is done in the course of carrying out his duties for and in the interests of the firm .
27 It may , of course , happen that he deliberately holds himself out as a partner for his own private benefit and not in the course of his work or in the interests of the firm .
28 Many of the sonnets are wonderfully generous poems ; they give meaning and beauty ’ The generosity resides in the act of celebration , a process by which the Poet can fade himself out as an actor , reducing himself to the role of recording agent .
29 Therefore , the required relationship exists where one person holds himself out as an expert and gives advice which is intended to be taken seriously and acted upon even though no contractual relationship exists .
30 Character statistics play very little part in the proceedings , which is unforgivable for a product passing itself off as a roleplaying game .
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