Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [adj] on the " in BNC.

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1 Jules had tactfully made himself scarce on the pretext of work to be done at the new salon and now , two days after his visit to Maythorpe House , Harry was at last able to unburden himself .
2 He could cut himself free on the coral .
3 When she returned from the kitchen he had made himself comfortable on the sofa .
4 ‘ Well , my dear , Travis is pretty much a law unto himself , ’ Jonas pacified , watching his grandson make himself comfortable on the top step .
5 Masklin darted between two seats , around a pair of giant shoes , and threw himself flat on the carpet .
6 He threw her away from him and flung himself flat on the ground as Liartes ' dragon thundered by , leaving another smoking scar across the turf .
7 Cornelius made himself comfy on the stool and sniffed at the coffee pot .
8 Up at five and sleeping badly of late , Luke kept his mind off Perdita and himself awake on the long straight roads , as he had done so often in the past , by concentrating on a particular horse .
9 Their use of the ball out of defence — mainly through Brian Hamilton , with Willie Miller making himself available on the right — provided some of the game 's less jarring moments .
10 This was itself dependent on the resources made available by the school . ’
11 And given the conditions obtaining this posed an almost insuperable problem , since ‘ the rebirth of industry is itself dependent on the flow of vital resources into towns , the absolute necessity for this influx at any price . ’
12 This is useful where , for : ( 1 ) payment of part of the purchase price of a company or business is deferred , and ( 2 ) the aggregate amount of the purchase price is itself dependent on the performance of the company or the business , over ( typically ) a one or two year period , or ( 3 ) payment for the company or business is to be based on the net asset value stated in what are known as " completion accounts " drawn up by accountants .
13 The desperate creature immediately spread itself flat on the back of the broom with its eyes glued shut as if awaiting execution .
14 You 'd think that she was still in her sixties , Constance thought approvingly , as Louise took out a cigarette and , crossing her legs decisively , made herself comfortable on the sofa .
15 ‘ Go and see who it is , will you , there 's a duck , ’ requested Constance , who had just made herself comfortable on the swinging seat .
16 Cranston 's wife was making herself comfortable on the bench whilst the gallant who had been eyeing Benedicta had now moved closer and was talking quietly with her .
17 Her mouth parting ardently beneath his , she began to unbutton his shirt with unsteady fingers , then slithered lower to kiss his bare brown chest , exulting in the thunder of his heart for a moment before she found herself flat on the sofa as Penry slid her jersey over her head , then dispensed with the scrap of satin beneath .
18 After 300 years of Portuguese rule , Brazil declared herself independent on the 7th September 1822 , with her own monarch , the Portuguese Prince Regent , Dom Pedroh I. In 1899 , a year after the abolition of slavery in Brazil , a further step was taken to form a federal republic , the United States of Brazil .
19 Dot sat herself cross-legged on the bed and watched him perched on the chair by the window , blinking and twitching and fidgeting but never looking her way , then seeming to fall asleep and looking quite young , younger than Mr Brown anyhow , and certainly not at all like Sally 's dad who 'd been to Burma and eaten rats .
20 The eyes of the round and woeful moon closed sighingly for a moment , and Rosalba took a deep breath , as if setting herself afloat on the night in her white nightdress , irresistibly reminding Caterina again of the great orb sailing in the sky like a big soft round pillow .
21 Then , after rubbing themselves dry on the bath robe , they dressed and climbed the cliff again .
22 The fact that many workers in these societies are themselves dependent on the owners of capital for the hire of their labour power is one of the factors that would be included in a more considered analysis of this link [ between dependency and production ] ,
23 Thus , despite their apparent primacy and the universal significance given to them in criminological research , they are themselves dependent on the pre-existence and effective operation of other controls .
24 They lay packed together in the gloom , trying to make themselves comfortable on the wires .
25 I just wanted to leave the tent , but as this was not possible due to the weather outside , I snuggled down in my sleeping bag and tried to make myself comfortable on the hard , stony ground .
26 On departure , many of the younger guests , deeming themselves insufficiently primed , were about to ‘ go on ’ somewhere , and in the end I found myself alone on the pavement with Eliot .
27 Then I dismissed the students and turned myself loose on the streets of Salamanca , under the burning sun of an Indian summer , trying to get my emotions under control .
28 P.S. I am Gabby 's biggest fan so I consider myself neutral on the Graf/Seles controversy .
29 All fish love eating tubifex and will gorge themselves silly on the worm .
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