Example sentences of "[letter] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You will probably be aware already that the houses numbered 7 to 16 in Woodhall Terrace have been put into Band G for the purpose of assessing the Council Tax , and that for Edinburgh District this means a tax of £1,217 per year — a very big increase on a two-person poll tax for 1992 .
2 In terms of the Parameters , we have to choose J and k for the damper , given J and T for the motor/load .
3 We might propose , for example , that the participant roles in our case might be marked by different suffixes : let us say o for the agent role , om for the patient .
4 With regard to Matthias Egger and colleagues ' other points , the adrenaline concentrations were not significantly different between the two studies ( p for the peak value was 0.23 ) , nor ( which these authors do not mention ) was the earlier response with human insulin significant .
5 er next week is your let letters N and P for the raffle table , for the benefit of new members you go alphabetically through , you know , from A to Z and when it 's your turn we 'd like you to bring something for the raffle table
6 And thirty P for the paper .
7 Addition of the three lengths , I , L and S , and division by three yields a mean diameter D M for the particle .
8 Suppose the delay number stored in the look-up table is m for the maximum stepping rate of 500 steps per second .
9 The rule for verbs ending in the sound -er , such as offer , prefer , occur , is to double the r for the -ed and -ing endings if the accent is on the -er syllable , but not otherwise .
10 Thus although Y owes X the duties which an agent owes to his principal , it is Y who as seller can sue Z for the price and be sued by Z for breach of the contract of sale .
11 Action : Refer to Appendix B for the format of the date .
12 A policy which will consider not only air pollution , but problems such as energy efficiency , safety , noise , the implication of different systems of transport on cities and the countryside and ultimately society at large , to establish which are the most environmentally sound and economically efficient methods of moving from A to B for the sake of both humans and the planet .
13 So we 're very committed to O D B C. It is one standard which we 're following , it is an alternative A P I for the desktop which is obviously strong because of the Microsoft relationship , erm but we will also foth follow other standards in terms of A P Is for the desktop as well .
14 Clearly one of the issues we 've got though , is t we 're looking at something like million pound overspend in C I S for the calendar year ninety three which we 've got ta try and pull back , at least some of that .
15 When constructing the tree corresponding to a BFS , each line has a corresponding node and we will write R i for the node corresponding to row i and C j for the node corresponding to column j .
16 Mr. Carter paid X for the car .
17 If we introduce the notation V x for the coefficient of variation of and corr [ X , Y ] for the coefficient of correlation between X and Y , then where .
18 If we write x i j for the number of items sent from i to j , the problem can be written as an LP .
19 When constructing the tree corresponding to a BFS , each line has a corresponding node and we will write R i for the node corresponding to row i and C j for the node corresponding to column j .
20 Simply select unit k for the sample with probability φ , i.e. generate a random u k in ( 0,1 ) and if u k is less than φ , include this unit in the sample .
21 Select unit k for the sample with probability , stopping once the desired sample size has been attained , i.e. when n k = n .
22 If we write k for the ratio of capital to labour measured in efficiency units ( i.e. , capital per effective man ) , then the basic equation governing growth over time ( the analogue of ( 8–11 ) ) is
23 In terms of the Parameters , we have to choose J and k for the damper , given J and T for the motor/load .
24 Those at two E for the schedule for Mr costs are agreed at thirteen thousand four hundred and forty seven pounds and ninety pence .
25 My brief was to do a C P A for the factory extension .
26 According to Rowthorn , multinational B 's operating unit in nation state l might be appropriated by the left government and sold off to help provide funds with which to compensate multinational A for the appropriation of its operating unit in nation state 2 ( in order to reduce the chances of direct counter-revolutionary intervention by other states ) .
27 Offered as exhibit A for the prosecution in the case of Nearly Everyone versus Hugo Rune .
28 If , for example , we were trying to explain attendance at non-selective schools , the d for the service class would have been 0.281 - 0.763 , or -0.482 ; the magnitude of effect would not have altered but the sign would have been reversed .
29 Open Channel D for the Man From Uncle pilot film TO TRAP A SPY , sympathise with Ribsgy 's lodger-stroke-offspring problems in another ancient RISING DAMP , don your spangly cod-piece when Erasure go IN CONCERT or boggle your eyes at the whizzy visuals of schlockfest movie FX — MURDER BY ILLUSION .
30 In the shorthand this would be written 2 H , but being so fundamental it has a special name and symbol of its own , d for the deuteron , the nucleus of the deuterium atom ( symbol D ) .
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