Example sentences of "[adj -er] than no [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He says he had a fifty-fifty chance of surviving the operation but it was better than no odds at all .
2 Unpleasant though sweatshops may be , some argue , any work is better than no work .
3 And incidentally , we have also demonstrated to ourselves , yet again , that 5 per cent vision is better than no vision at all .
4 Five per cent vision is better than no vision at all .
5 Any pruning is better than no pruning .
6 Part payment is better than no payment .
7 Mr Shekhar replies that a flawed election is better than no election .
8 Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd told fellow ministers : ‘ A treaty which is somewhat delayed is better than no treaty at all . ’
9 Brian was so thoroughly weak that marriage to Evelyn , dire as it was , was better than no framework to his life , since his working-class parents were children of a lesser god .
10 The fact that her stomach no longer turned over when he looked at her came as a surprise and disappointment — even unrequited love was better than no love at all .
11 Clearly a damaged shell is better than no shell at all .
12 They are better than no cheques .
13 Life in a box is better than no life at all .
14 As Margaret Peter 's research showed , any systematic approach to spelling , whatever its basis , is better than no approach at all .
15 The utilitarian may argue that everything is imperfect and that half a loaf is better than no bread .
16 Half a loaf is better than no bread .
17 Brave , but probably mistaken : even teen success is better than no success at all .
18 Well , I think you need to recognize that really sales volume is , it it takes us back again to the fact that any customer is better than no customer at all .
19 His attitude towards me was one of dumb , doglike devotion , which I found tiresome , but in the circumstances he seemed better than no boyfriend at all .
20 The £18m project , including a government offer to pay for approach roads , will be discussed this month by the Highland Regional Council which must decide whether a private toll bridge is better than no bridge at all .
21 Sometimes , sadly , even a bad deal is better than no deal at all .
22 I suppose a half-match is better than no match at all .
23 Not only is it clear that part of an eye is better than no eye at all .
24 At least Nautilus dramatizes the point that a lensless eye is better than no eye at all .
25 In his view , Baker and the LSG loyally pursued the president 's agenda and it was Reagan himself who decided whether to compromise , and when : ‘ It was Reagan , and Reagan alone , who decided that four fifths of a loaf , especially a loaf that was perhaps too large to begin with , was better than no loaf . ’
26 In the event , Mark surprised his wife by taking the view that a baby 50% genetically created by Wendy was better than no baby at all .
27 Five per cent hearing is better than no hearing at all .
28 Wherever we have an X in a real live animal , where X is some organ too complex to have arisen by chance in a single step , then according to the theory of evolution by natural selection it must be the case that a fraction of an X is better than no X at all A and two fractions of an X must be better than one ; and a whole X must be better than nine-tenths of an X. I have no trouble at all in accepting that these statements are true of eyes , ears including bat ears , wings , camouflaged and mimicking insects , snake jaws , stings , cuckoo habits and all the other examples trotted out in antievolution propaganda .
29 Gain-up does tend to make the picture look rather grainy , though , so it is best to look on it as a last resort and reserve it for those times when a grainy picture is better than no picture at all .
30 Five per cent flight efficiency is better than no flight at all .
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