Example sentences of "you hope " in BNC.

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1 The two worlds of nature and abstraction meet when Stavrogin asks Dasha whether by coming to be his nurse ‘ you hope to set up some aim for me at last ’ .
2 This is the other way : you fix the expenditure first , and you hope afterwards ; and if it does n't come off ( which it is unlikely to , if you are gambling on an improbability ) , then the result is the monetisation of debt with the consequences which we know .
3 The press release will include information about the music and the band which you hope will be used in reviews .
4 It 's a question of not being discouraged and persevering until suddenly a drawing looks like you hope , of seeing the possibility in something , in a line , and thinking ‘ Oh quick , I must n't change that .
5 You 'll need to spread your talents if you hope to make a living from writing and I 'd recommend reading Thirty Ways to Make Money From Writing by Jennie Hawthorne ( Rosters , £4.95 ) which covers markets as diverse as working for the trade press , humour and writing for children .
6 The vernacular of any way of life can only be absorbed ‘ through the skin ’ by immersing oneself in its people ; and to this end you would be foolish not to spend at least a year ( preferably two ) working on mixed farms in the district in which you hope to settle , making friends and winning the respect of the countrymen who will be your neighbours .
7 It takes a great deal of sensitivity to provide activities which stimulate the patient 's interest , without exhausting him or making him frustrated if he can not achieve what he wants or what you hope for .
8 But anyway , saying to Father that you , who are the apple of his eye , and in whom he considers he 's bred a lady , telling him that you hope to marry one of the Feltons , the quay Feltons .
9 Use a large landing net , somewhat larger than the size of fish you hope to catch .
10 The tackle should be compatible with the size of fish you hope to catch and the type of water you are trying to pull them from .
11 being open about your objective , what you hope to achieve
12 It makes so much difference if you tell each other what you hope for , rather than expecting your partner to know , or to assume that your partner wants and expects the same things .
13 If you have been successful in treating the interview as a two-way communication then much of what you hope to say will arise naturally as part of the interchange between you .
14 Say how you hope you will have the opportunity of working with the company and that you look forward to hearing the decision .
15 What is the common ground you hope to find in these issues ?
16 We would like you to use your expectations and the resultant negotiations as a basis for stating some of the objectives you hope to use for direction in your marriage .
17 If you hope that you will live for the rest of your life in this place then do not choose a house with an awkward staircase that you may not be able to negotiate when you are old .
18 I see why you hope for surrender before the rain comes to refill their cisterns .
19 Write down exactly what you hope to do with your new horse and what your priorities are ; perhaps you want to hack and compete in Riding Club events , or maybe you want to concentrate on dressage or show jumping .
20 Target Date can be a specific date or as general as just the month or year in which you hope that goal will be achieved .
21 It 's loaded with the Things You Hope To Find In Singles ( but seldom do ) : like mystery , space , and , underneath that , a deep-set sense of bitterness .
22 ‘ The essence of the patent for you is surely that you believe the heat is there and if it can be scaled up , as you hope it can , that is something that could have manifest benefits to everybody .
23 Most employers will be only too happy to help you tailor your preparation for re-entry to your own learning needs and those of the job you hope to take up .
24 I sha n't assault you , if that 's what you hope .
25 Rather more serious , if you buy a new home before selling your existing one , you could be faced by a bridging loan problem , which with continuing high interest rates could soon eat into any profits you hope to realise on the exchange .
26 If you hope to animate and enliven the image you need to be generous with the paint .
27 A safety net is something which you hope that you will never have to use , and you endeavour to arrange matters so that you do not need it , but if necessary it will catch you .
28 Among the women themselves there 's the feeling that you hope for the best and expect the worst , a deep pessimism that patriarchy rules and scarpers without paying the bills .
29 In the Preface we suggested that , as a minimum level of activity , you go in with ( i ) some ideas about what you hope will happen , emphasizing pupil and teacher activities ( ii ) some questions that you want answered about the unit , and ( iii ) some paper to note what actually does happen in detail , and in general .
30 Then develop a weekly list of the tasks you hope to achieve during the week ahead .
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