Example sentences of "[adj -er] [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Far too many handicapped young people have been condemned to operate at a lower level of education and achievement than their abilities warrant because of lack of facilities for further and higher education .
2 It wants a reduction in diesel fuel duty plus a lower level of road tax on diesel cars .
3 [ Article 21 concerned the transfer to the federation , Länder or other lower level of government as appropriate of administrative assets of the GDR .
4 The result is that tasks such as redistribution , which in the fiscal federalism literature are seen as a prerogative of central government , may ( given the imperfections of the Tiebout mechanism and the informational requirements of administration ) be shown to be better pursued at a lower level of government when broader considerations are taken into account .
5 This is no longer necessary ; fear for one 's personal safety is a much lower level of alarm .
6 It had , for example , to struggle with West Germany 's complaints about a High Authority decision to allow French steel to be sold within West Germany with a lower level of taxation than that placed upon its own steel being sold in France .
7 We have reduced inflation and enabled the economy to grow and yield the necessary revenues in taxation , even at the lower level of taxation imposed by the Government .
8 These US estimates tend to emphasize direct rather than opportunity costs , partly reflecting the lower level of welfare support especially for the higher education of children .
9 It is evident that , by comparison with an unconditional grant , it is on a lower level of welfare ( shown by indifference curve I 1 ) as a result of spending more than it would otherwise choose to spend on good X.
10 The industry is comparing the biggest boom it ever had — the peak in 1989-90 — with today 's admittedly lower level of activity .
11 Nonetheless , it did seek to address the problems identified during the FAOR analysis , albeit at a lower level of attainment in the initial stages .
12 Moreover , this lower level of spending is still sufficient to give us the flexibility to take up opportunities in new areas .
13 The share of total energy usage accounted for by nuclear power will rise from 4% to 7% , a far lower level of increase than might have been achieved but for the Three Mile Island incident .
14 The official attitude to the press reflected a lower level of concern about broadcasting .
15 IOGT , initial oil generation threshold ; IGGT , initial gas generation threshold ; LLOG , lower level of oil generation ; LLCG , lower level of condensate generation .
16 The fact that they carried out substantially more searches ( 2350 ) for very similar revenues suggests a lower level of work than their rivals .
17 On the other hand , requiring the child to reproduce phrases and sentences may lead to a lower level of performance as the child seeks to make sense of the adult constructions and in doing so reinterprets them through her own emerging system of grammatical rules .
18 The assistant 's task is to deputize , where necessary , for the account executive ; to run meetings covering minor points of detail ( often follow-up action for major meetings ) , to attend to detail within the agency ; and , in general , to provide a lower level of contact between the client and the agency — on a par with your own assistants or subordinates .
19 This prompted a question on the place in Britain of a lower level of Capital Transfer Tax if the farm were passed on to the son at a much earlier age ?
20 They give some impression of the life and environment of the wealthy and influential but cause one to forget , or overlook , the lives of the majority of people living at a lower level of survival — a majority that probably includes the makers of the art object .
21 For example , where a customer is experienced and familiar with transactions on the relevant market a lower level of disclosure may suffice .
22 The average group however choose private provision when G is low or medium , hence preferring the lower level of state spending , but switch to public provision when G is high , this being their overall preferred level .
23 Even those employed in small firms have to accept the limited rewards and the lower level of company welfare benefits if they are to fill the void left by limited state welfare provision .
24 For example , in Brazil , peripheral capitalist development is responsible not only for a lower level of participation of women in agriculture but also a lower level of integration of women in urban development .
25 In this case , however , the economy will operate at a lower level of income and expenditure .
26 If the price level change has no other impacts on the variables introduced above , then the curve will intersect the stationary curve at a higher rate of interest and a lower level of income .
27 Clearly the expenditures undertaken by a regional trading regime require a lower level of funding compared to an organisation which adopts positive policies which add to the range of expenditures .
28 While this downswing will not be as sharp as the previous downturn ( in 1979-81 ) , not least given the very much lower level of inflation that we now have , a dull 1989 is bound to be followed by a difficult 1990 . ’
29 The notion of ‘ translation ’ just given covers a distinction that will be important for the purposes of this paper : a program at a given level can be either interpreted or compiled into a program at a lower level of language .
30 Different kinds of opacity within a program were discussed earlier and these would seem to have quite different correlates in the sphere of consciousness : the lower level of language is almost totally inaccessible from the higher level ( unless special structural features are added to the language to make it accessible ) , in rather the way that the machine code of our brain , if there is one , is utterly inaccessible to me , thinking in English .
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