Example sentences of "[adj -er] [noun] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The quantity of water raised from the lower to the higher level will on the average equal that lowered from the higher to the lower level so that there will be practically no loss of water by lockage and as the vessels transported by the lifts are waterborne the weight of the load carried by the dock is always the same whether the vessel be loaded or not and whether the dock contains a vessel or not .
2 Handling by kidney squeeze overcame any further resistance so that it was then possible to secure the model in the Pavlov stock .
3 And if you 've got somebody right up your bum keep further space so that you can lead them into a situation safely , as opposed to sort of having a anchor on yourself .
4 To adopt such a pedagogy is to follow the example of Procrustes who , it will be recalled , would either stretch his guests on a rack or cut pieces off their lower limbs so that they would fit his bed .
5 Another is to reduce the proportion of dark background area relative to the subject , either by shifting to a more suitable setting or by moving in to a bigger close-up so that the dark background is reduced in size .
6 Deep learning — like knowing how to dress yourself or clean your teeth or ride a bicycle , which you learned to do when young and which have entered your consciousness at a deeper level so that you rarely think consciously about them because you engage in these activities daily and apparently intuitively .
7 Further , in a number of cases the variant was transmitted accurately in its new form to younger recruits so that a recognizably coherent group of like singers developed . ’
8 Women bore children late ; widowed men commonly remarried quickly to a younger woman so that there was another batch of younger children in the family ; and most children married late .
9 The bishops will be prepared to confirm children at a rather younger age so that they may be admitted earlier to the communicant life .
10 To set up such a tank containing only the larger species so that they live in a harmonious group requires careful thought .
11 In a pendentive method of construction the triangular spaces between the square section and the circular base of the hemisphere are built as if they are parts of a lower and larger dome so that their section is like that of an arch carried across the diagonal of the square space to be covered .
12 Also , academic life had not exactly left me well-off and it seemed like a good idea to try to earn a slightly larger salary so that I would have something to put towards my eventual retirement .
13 It is well known that published economic statistics are subject to revision at a later date so that the current view of where we are now may be misleading .
14 I do not know where he has been for the past few years , but we have reduced the rates on lower earnings so that people now pay on average about £3 a week less in national insurance .
15 er right , okay okay so better preparation so that when you make the presentation it 's more effective , yeah ?
16 The evidence from elsewhere in America and Britain is that exhibitors increasingly took the masses for granted and were always investing in better and better cinemas so as to hang on to the more respectable lower middle-class audience .
17 Better telephone so that she can be sure that when he asks the dreaded question that they are .
18 For her at this stage , not crying is a great achievement but she hopes that some day she will reach a better balance so that her tears will be for herself rather than to make an impression on others .
19 This involves the channelling of policy initiatives upwards from lower levels so that as proposals move through the company they gather support leaving the final decision-maker with the simple task of confirming the agreed consensus .
20 Under these circumstances , as in the fringe areas of species ranges ( Aldrich-Blake , Bunn , Dunbar , and Headley 1971 ) , the troop splits into smaller parties so that when food patches are discovered all can feed adequately .
21 Elsewhere , the rate of growth has been such that ancient parishes have been carved into much smaller units so that new churches could serve the expanding population .
22 But broadcasting costs are more volatile than other costs and also rise at a faster rate so that even a licence fee increase which keeps up with general costs is an actual real decrease in its total value .
23 There is government concern in all advanced industrial societies of how to restructure higher education so that it is made more directly relevant to the needs of the economy .
24 It might even be possible to extend this process more broadly across higher education so that there was a national system of accreditation .
25 How , then , can we reconceptualize the idea of rationality within higher education so as to convey something of its traditional promise , while confronting the dual problematic it faces ?
26 But you should descend at a higher rate so as to reach 2500ft before you turn .
27 In no time senators were renaming themselves with longer and longer titles so that their seconds should be bigger than everyone else 's .
28 To show this , suppose that the UK has a relatively high rate of inflation and that , as a result , the pound is depreciating : speculators who expect the pound to continue depreciating will sell pounds and buy stronger currencies so as to make a capital gain later .
29 The changes include longer platforms so that longer trains can be run , offering more capacity , and a new passenger concourse building to link the two stations .
30 Less offensive is one that has been ‘ inlaid ’ or let into a stronger leaf so that both sides of the letter or document are visible by means of this window .
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